
来源 :中国工会财会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:awenqqw123
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湖南省娄底市总工会经审委员会主任彭志宏一身正气、廉洁奉公、无私无畏,赢得了职工群众的信任、拥护和支持。 无私无畏,其实又是一种崇高的奉献精神。 原在市审计局的彭科长,业务能力强,工作得心应手,国家审计机关又是个很有权威的单位。而他却谢绝好心同志的劝说,毅然来到工会经审新岗位,偏要去啃工会经审这块“硬骨头”。他明知肩上担子的份量不轻,但他首先意识到“手中的权力是职工群众给的,必须真正履行经审监督职能,充分发挥经审的作用才不负职工群众重托”。为此,他下苦功精读专业知识,加强对工会系统政策和法律法规知识的学习,努力寻找经审工作的突破口。他以无私无畏的精神,一举突破了潜在矛盾解决 Peng Zhihong, director of the Board of Auditors of Loudi City Federation of Trade Unions in Hunan Province, has an integrity, integrity and selflessness and won the trust, support and support of the masses of workers. Selfless and fearless, in fact, is a noble dedication. Mr. Peng, former director of the City Audit Bureau, has a strong business capability and a handy job. The national auditing organ is also a very authoritative unit. However, he declined the kind-hearted comrades persuasion and resolutely came to the trade unions to review the new post. He even bided to go to the labor union to criticize this piece of “hard bones.” He knew that the burden on his shoulders was not light, but at first he realized that “the power in the hands is given by the staff and workers, and must really perform the functions of auditing by the people under the supervision of the people’s court and give full play to the role of the people under the supervision of the labor auditor”. To this end, he painstakingly read the professional knowledge, strengthen the system of trade union policies and laws and regulations of knowledge, and strive to find a trial of the breakthrough. In a selfless and fearless manner, he broke through the potential conflicts
岱海是东亚夏季风边缘地带的闭流型半咸水湖泊,其汇水流域降水量的变化易于引发湖泊水位和水化学变动。选用DH11-1岩芯进行1 mm分辨率XRF元素扫描分析,并对测试结果进行多元
四川E M S“家乡速递”是在2005年“五节联送”营销活动中,针对省内特色市场,创新推出的四川邮政速递子品牌业务。四川E M S“家乡速递”开展的特快优惠邮寄礼品、年货和节日
物质的量贯穿于整个高中化学的始终,是在化学计量中处于核心地位的重要概念,它是掌握物质的质量、体积(标准状况下)、物质的量浓度、反应热、化学方程式计算的前提,是高考的必考考点之一.现将物质的量作为各化学量相互转化的“桥梁”时要注意的问题总结如下.    “本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”