Embryotoxicity and Teratogenicity of Cu~(2+) and Zn~(2+) for Xenopus Laevis, Assayed by the FETAX Pr

来源 :哈尔滨医科大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:InsideADONET
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Cupric chloride (CuCl_2) and zinc chloride (ZnCl_2) were tested by the FETAX (frog embryo teratogenesis assay: xenopus) procedure.Results: In control embryos, the survival rate at 101h post-fertilization was>95%) and teratogenic rate was>7%. The teratogenic concentrations (EC_(10), EC_(50), EC_(90)) of Cu~(2+) were 0.9, 2.5 and 4.4μmol/L; the embryolethal concentrations(LC_(10), LC_(50), LC_(90)) of Cu~(2+) were 10, 22 and 40 μmol/L; the teratogenic index(TI=LC_(50)/EC_(50))for Cu~(2+) was 8.8. EC_(10),EC_(50),EC_(90) of Zn~(2+) were 6.7,40 and 70μmol/L: LC_(10), LC_(50), LC_(90) of Zn~(2+) were 410, 850 and 1080μmol/L, TI for Zn~(2+) was 21. TI(1.5) was considered the threshold for positive teratogenicity in the FETAX assay. Both metal ions were shown to be potential teratogens for xenopus(TI>1.5). Mortality and teratogenic rate in embryos exposed to Cu~(2+) and Zn~(2+) were shown concentration-response relation. Head-to tail lengths of the tadpoles, measured at 101h post-fertilization were negative correlation with the Cu~(2+) and Zn~(2+) concentrations (r=0.95). The minimum concentration to inhibit growth,(MCIG) was 10 μmol/ L for Cu~(2+) and 300 μmol/L for Zn~(2+).The anomalies observed in Cu~(2+) and Zn~(2+) exposed tadpoles primarily affected the face、eyes、heart、gut、notochord and fins. The most common facial anomaly was a beak-like deformity of the snout, eye malformations included incomplete closure of the choroid fissure, herniation of the selera. Cardioproptosis was frequent findings, hypertrophy and distention of the gut were commonly noted. Flexion was frequent at the tip of the notochord or at the midsection of the notochord, associated with broad, ruffled fins. The authors emphasize that caution and scientific judgment must be used in extrapolating the results of FETAX assays to predict teratogenic risks for man and other mammals. Cupric chloride (CuCl 2) and zinc chloride (ZnCl 2) were tested by the FETAX (frog embryo teratogenesis assay: xenopus) procedure. Results: In control embryos, the survival rate at 101h post-fertilization was> 95%) and teratogenic rate was> 7%. The teratogenic concentrations (EC_ (10), EC_ (50), EC_ (90)) of Cu 2+ were 0.9, 2.5 and 4.4 μmol / L, 50), LC_ (90)) of Cu ~ (2+) were 10, 22 and 40 μmol / L, respectively. The teratogenic index (TI = LC 50 / EC 50) (10), EC50, EC90 (90) of Zn 2+ were 6.7, 40 and 70μmol / L respectively. LC_ (10), LC_ (50) and LC_ (90) TI for Zn 2+ was 21. 21. (1.5) was considered the threshold for positive teratogenicity in the FETAX assay. Both of the metal ions were shown to be potential teratogens for xenopus (+) were 410, 850 and 1080 μmol / L, TI> 1.5). Mortality and teratogenic rate in embryos exposed to Cu ~ (2+) and Zn ~ (2+) were shown concentration-response relation. Head-to tail lengths of the tadpoles, measured at 101h post-fertiliz The minimum concentration to inhibit growth, (MCIG) was 10 μmol / L for Cu ~ (2+) and 300 The anomalies observed in Cu ~ (2+) and Zn ~ (2+) exposed tadpoles are affected the face, eyes, heart, gut, notochord and fins. The most common facial anomaly was a beak-like deformity of the snout, eye malformations included incomplete closure of the choroid fissure, herniation of the selera. Cardioproptosis was frequent findings, hypertrophy and distention of the gut were commonly noted. at the midsection of the notochord, associated with broad, ruffled fins. The authors emphasize that caution and scientific judgment must be used in extrapolating the results of FETAX assays to predict teratogenic risks for man and other mammals.
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