
来源 :自动化学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qpowapian
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Two new approximate formulations to joint chance-constrained optimization problems are proposed in this paper.The relationships of CVa R(conditional-value-at-risk),chance constrains and robust optimization are reviewed.Firstly,two new upper bounds on E((·)+)are proposed,where E stands for the expectation and x+=max(0,x),based on which two approximate formulations for individual chance-constrained problems are derived.The approximations are proved to be the robust optimization with the corresponding uncertain sets.Then the approximations are extrapolated to joint chance-constrained problem.Finally numerical studies are performed to compare the solutions of individual and joint chance constraints approximations and the results demonstrate the validity of our method. Two new approximate formulations to joint chance-constrained optimization problems are proposed in this paper. The relationships of CVa R (conditional-value-at-risk), chance constrains and robust optimization are reviewed. Firstly, two new upper bounds on E (( ·) +) Are proposed, where E stands for the expectation and x + = max (0, x), based on which two approximate formulations for individual chance-constrained problems are derived. Approximations are proved to be the robust optimization with the corresponding unfounded sets.Then the approximations are extrapolated to joint chance-constrained problem. Finally numerical studies are performed to compare the solutions of individual and joint chance constraints approximations and the results demonstrate the validity of our method.
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目的:加密油菜控制硫甙性状QTL区间,并进行QTL整合预测候选基因。方法:利用生物信息学方法根据已知测序的白菜BAC序列信息设计引物,在油菜TN DH群体中进行多态性扩增和定位,