联系实际 勇于创新

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市直机关的党员干部,应站在全局高度,学习领会和吃透《纲要》精神,以《纲要》为蓝本,兴起学习“三个代表”重要思想的新高潮,兴起解放思想、联系实际、开拓创新、与时俱进的新高潮,把”三个代表”重要思想进一步落实到我们的思想上、行动上,为全市的改革发展作出新的更大的贡献。 Party members and cadres in municipal departments directly under the Central Government should learn from and grasp the spirit of the “Outline”, set a new blueprint for studying the important thinking of the ’Three Represents,’ and start to emancipate the mind, connect with the reality and blaze new trails. And a new upsurge of keeping pace with the times. We must further implement the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’ in our thinking and actions and make new and greater contributions to the reform and development of the whole city.
利用具Pm21的小麦–簇毛麦染色体易位系6AL/6VS为抗病供体,与对白粉病敏感的优良小麦栽培品种京411为轮回亲本杂交、F1个体回交7次,培育了近等基因系(near-isogenic line,NIL
The fraction of photosynthetically active radiation(FPAR) is a key variable in the assessment of vegetation productivity and land ecosystem carbon cycles.Based
为庆祝上线一周年,人民日报客户端携手中航工业举办有奖下载、有奖关注活动。活动期间,下载人民日报客户端并注册,或关注中航工业官方微信、微博,就 To celebrate the first
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针对光伏发电领域的太阳能利用率低,设计了以MSP430 G2553 MCU为控制核的太阳自动跟踪控制系统,其通过提高光伏板的有效受光面积以实现提高太阳能利用率的目的。系统由检测器
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目的:加密油菜控制硫甙性状QTL区间,并进行QTL整合预测候选基因。方法:利用生物信息学方法根据已知测序的白菜BAC序列信息设计引物,在油菜TN DH群体中进行多态性扩增和定位,