
来源 :中国检验检疫 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:BluePenguin
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又是一年3.15,媒体对商品质量的关注更多了。实际上,每年商品质量问题的报道都不少,政府的管理也在加强,在百度网站上搜索国家对商品质量的管理,竟然有两万多条。我们看到,从机电产品到生活用品,从食品到手机等电子产品,从农副产品到儿童玩具,从房屋到婴儿奶粉,可以说凡是与人们生产、生活密切相关的类别,国家都有质量标准或管理规定。春节前,国家质检总局还针对春节临近假冒伪劣商品充斥农村市场的问题发出紧急通知,在全国范围内全面部署农村商品市场检查整顿专项行动。此次专项行动重点突出十类产品,包括白酒、小食品、生活日用品、小电器、絮棉制品、农资产品、儿童玩具、服装、烟花爆竹、液化气瓶等。与此同时,农业部、国家质检总局、公安部等六部委联合下发了《2007年全国农资打假和监管工作要点》,强调农资打假着重源头控制,重点清理整顿政企不分、乱挂钩、乱挂靠的农资经营企业,对无证、无照生产经营的农资企业要坚决取缔。 Another 3.15 a year, the media paid more attention to product quality. In fact, there are many reports on the quality of goods every year, and the management of the government is also strengthened. There are over 20,000 articles on the management of the quality of the products on the website of Baidu. We can see that from the mechanical and electrical products to daily necessities, from food to mobile phones and other electronic products, from agricultural and sideline products to children’s toys, from houses to infant formulas, we can say that all countries have quality standards that are closely related to people’s livelihood and production Or regulatory requirements. Before the Spring Festival, the AQSIQ also issued an emergency notice on the issue of flooding the rural market with fake and shoddy goods near the Spring Festival and deployed a special campaign to check and rectify the rural commodity markets across the country. The special action focused on ten categories of products, including white wine, small food, daily necessities, small appliances, cotton products, agricultural products, children’s toys, clothing, fireworks, liquefied petroleum gas bottles. At the same time, the six ministries and commissions including the Ministry of Agriculture, the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine and the Ministry of Public Security jointly issued the “2007 Essentials of Fighting Off and the Prevention of Agricultural and Agricultural Diseases in China”, emphasizing that the control of the source of fake agricultural materials, focusing on the rectification of government and enterprises, Chaos linked to indiscriminate collection of agricultural capital management enterprises, undocumented, unlicensed agricultural production and operation of enterprises must be resolutely banned.
初中我们就已经学习过粗盐的提纯实验,再次学习不是简单地对初中知识的重复,在复习溶解、过滤、蒸发等基本操作的同时又提出了新的要求。通过对食盐中杂质离子的检验与除杂质方法的讨论,要求同学们掌握提纯的操作原理和方法。    一、基本操作  1. 过滤  (1)原理:利用物质溶解性差异,将液体和不溶性固体分离开来的方法,如除去食盐溶液中的泥沙;还可以用于分离可溶性固体和不溶性固体组成的混合物,如氯酸钾和二
家族企业的传承是世界性的难题,知易行难。中国开始出现了专门的接班人学校,试图知行合一,打破“富不过三代”的魔咒。他们能成为中国的布鲁克林家族企业学院吗? Inheritanc
构建和谐社会已成举国共识。什么是和谐社会?一般来说,和谐社会包括三个方面,即人与自然的和谐、人与人的和谐、人与社会的和谐。事实上,在我国传统文化中,很多著述都论及了这一思想。《寡人之于国也》即为典型代表。  一、顺应自然以养民,人与自然的和谐  “不违农时,谷不可胜食也。数罟不入洿池,鱼鳖不可胜食也。斧斤以时入山林,林木不可胜用也……  五亩之宅,树之以桑,五十者可以衣帛矣。鸡豚狗彘之畜,无失其时
课堂游戏是指教师在教学过程中,充分利用游戏的形式和特点,将其引入课堂教学之中,使之与教学内容紧密结合,借以调动学生学习的积极性,使他们爱学、乐学的一种教学方式。 Cla