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在经济快速发展的今天,现代网络信息技术在各行各业也得到了广泛的应用。而且网络信息化对人民的生活品质、学习效率和生活节奏均起到提高的作用。在现代教学方面,将网络信息技术应用其中也成为发展的必然趋势。尤其在近几年,网络化信息技术已经成功地应用到了烹饪教学中。而目前面临的挑战是如何将网络信息技术更加合理地应用到烹饪教学中,从而根本上提高烹饪教学水平和质量。 In today’s rapid economic development, modern network information technology has also been widely used in all walks of life. Moreover, network information plays an important role in improving people’s living quality, learning efficiency and life rhythm. In modern teaching, the application of network information technology has also become an inevitable trend of development. Especially in recent years, networked information technology has been successfully applied to cooking teaching. At present, the challenge is how to apply the network information technology more reasonably to the cooking teaching so as to fundamentally improve the cooking teaching level and quality.
目前我国护眼产品市场容量有近300亿,预计到2005年,将达到600亿的市场空间。 At present, China’s eye protection products market capacity of nearly 30 billion, is ex
This paper investigates in detail the nature of diffraction of plane P waves around a canyon in poroelastic half-space, and studies the effects of incident freq
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We report a case of a successful surgical resection of a Wilms’ tumor in the right kidney with a coincidental preoperative imaging finding of a left-sided infe
This paper investigates the size distribution of submarine landslides on the middle continental slope of the East China Sea (ECS) using the size of the landslid
目的 观察国产长春瑞滨(盖诺)静脉持续输注联合顺铂治疗非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC)的临床疗效及其毒副作用.方法盖诺首剂10 mg加入生理盐水40 ml中静脉推注,第1天,然后采用微量泵24 h持续给药10mg,第1天~第5天,共120 h,总量60mg,顺铂20mg/m2静脉滴注,第1天~第5天.结果全组30例,CR 1例,PR 13例.总有效率为46.7%;毒性为骨髓抑制,白细胞下降为90.0%,
A total of 16 specimens of fossil-winged fruits were found from the Middle Miocene marine deposits,Duho Formation,Pohang Basin,Korea.They were identified into t