
来源 :中国治理评论 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xmyhehe
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作为一种独特的城市文化空间,艺术区的形成不仅与经济全球化及国际艺术品市场的发展密切相关,更深受政治行为体之间复杂动态关系的影响。本文探讨了798厂和宋庄这两个北京市主要艺术区的发展演变及治理模式。文章指出,中国城市空间的治理已经由传统的集权式转变为多元利益背景下的竞争共享模式。艺术区的治理呈现分散性、协商性和实验性的特点,其中主要的治理决策是不同利益主体之间妥协的结果。与早期自发形成的艺术家村落相比,由政府规划和管理的艺术区为艺术家提供了更为稳定的艺术创作空间,艺术区机制也可起到推动城市经济增长和推广城市品牌形象的作用。然而,我们也应注意这一治理模式为艺术区今后发展所带来的不确定性以及艺术区的过度商业化对当代艺术的负面影响: As a unique urban cultural space, the formation of the art district is not only closely related to the economic globalization and the development of the international art market, but also influenced by the complicated and dynamic relations among political actors. This article explores the evolution and governance of the 798 and Songzhuang major art districts in Beijing. The article points out that the governance of urban space in China has been transformed from the traditional centralized mode to a competition-sharing mode under the background of multiple interests. The governance of the art district has the characteristics of decentralization, consultation and experiment. The main governance decision is the result of the compromise among different stakeholders. The art district, which is planned and managed by the government, provides a more stable space for artistic creation than that of the artist village spontaneously formed in the early days. The art district mechanism can also play an important role in promoting urban economic growth and promoting the city’s brand image. However, we should also pay attention to the uncertainty brought by the mode of governance for the future development of the art district and the negative impact of the over-commercialization of the art district on contemporary art:
柔韧性就是指关节的活动范围,除非有残疾或受过伤,那么每个人都有可能通过安全的灵活性训练,而使所有关节的活动范围有所增大。 Flexibility refers to the range of motion
2002年5月Black Isle公司推出了风迷一时的《冰风之谷》,此次推出的续集是距第一代的故事一个世纪后,一个新的威胁又在北方蔓延的新故事此次的冰风之谷坐落在被遗忘的国度(Th
这种斗争永远结束不了,而每时每刻都能玩出一些新的花样。每一支球队和每一个球员都喜欢和每一名裁判玩这样“猫捉老鼠”的游戏,乐此不疲。 This fight can never be ended,
贫穷恶性循环圈是指,人口(population)、贫困(poverty)和环境退化(environment degradation)之间形成一种互为因果的关系。贫穷——人口增长——环境恶化——贫穷这个环节间