Empirical Research on the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Industrial Structure Upgrading in

来源 :校园英语·中旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cxr349150
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  【Abstract】The advantages of using foreign investment to adjust industrial structure of host-country have been proved by successful facts and experiences of economic development in some emerging industrial countries and regions in Asia.This paper analyses influence channels of FDI on China’s industrial structure upgrading,furthermore relationship between FDI and industrial structure is verified using time series data from empirical point of view.
  【Key words】FDI; Industrial Structure; Industrial Structure Upgrading
  Ⅰ. Influence Channel of FDI on Industrial Structure Upgrading
  1. Capital Formation Effect:Introduction of foreign capital help host-country to make up the gap of savings and foreign exchange,improve investment level,promote optimization of capital stock,so as to promote upgrading of industrial structure,form effect of capital formation.
  2. Technology Transfer and Spillover Effects:Core element of industrial structure optimization is technology.Foreign-invested firms provide advanced technology,management experience,high-quality labor,other factors of production.FDI improve industrial technology by technology transfer,and indirectly improve industrial technology by technology spillover effect.
  3. Industry Association Effect:The development of a certain industry can promote other industries’ evolution,including backward and forward association.
  4. Competition and Demonstration Effect:Characteristic of foreign capital firms’ entry to host-country’s original equilibrium market shock is to increase market competition,force local enterprises to seek more effective technology in order to expand its market share.FDI may lead to host-country’s dependence on foreign technology,which inhibit ability of independent innovation.
  Ⅱ. Empirical Analysis of FDI in China’s Industrial Structure Upgrading
  1. Correlation Between FDI and Industrial Structure Upgrading
  Data Source:China Statistical Yearbook
  Output value of the three industry accounts for proportion of GDP to measure change of industrial structure.China’s FDI stock as explanatory variable,proportion of GDP as explained variables.
  2. Granger Causality Test on the Optimization of FDI and Industrial Structure
  Use statistical data,test causal relationship between two variables:actual use of China’s FDI amount and three industries accounted for proportion of GDP.(By Eviews software)   Effect of FDI on change of primary industry is very small.Lag period of 2 of FDI don’t cause China’s first industry proportion changes,its probability is 32.8%,so accept original assumption.FDI don’t be affected by first industry,probability of impact is11.12%.They have a one-way causal relationship.According to theory of economic growth,the added value of China’s first industry continues to decline,which means continuous optimization of industrial structure.FDI has significantly promoted development of second and third industries in China,and influence of third industry is more obvious.FDI don’t cause China’s Second Industry change,its probability is 3.5%.There is a bidirectional causality between FDI and change of proportion of added value for second industry in China.FDI don’t cause China’s Tertiary Industry,its probability is 10.94%.China’s Tertiary Industry proportion changing and FDI is two-way causal relationship.Proportion of third industry is an important reason for change of FDI,especially after China’s accession to WTO,third industry has become a new field of FDI.
  [1]Statistical yearbook of China,“China Statistical Yearbook”, China Statistics Press.
  [2]Granger C W.J,Investigating Causal Relations by Econometric Models and Cross-Spectral Methods,Econometrics,1969.
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【摘要】诗歌是中国文化中的瑰宝之一,对诗歌的恰当翻译有利于其发展和传播。叠词对于诗歌有其独特魅力。使用叠词,通常可以体现出一种音律美,这也是诗歌的一大特点。我国著名翻译家许渊冲的“三美”理论对诗歌中的叠词的英译具有指导作用,对不同类的叠词应该采用不一样的翻译方法。  【关键词】诗歌 叠词 “三美”理论  一、诗歌中的叠词与许淵冲的“三美”理论  顾名思义,叠词是从两个相同的词中造一个新短语,它可以
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爱因斯坦说过:“Interest is the best teacher!(兴趣是最好的老师!)”。兴趣是学习的良方妙药。有了兴趣,学生学习起来就轻松,主动,在学习上是我要学、我想学、我能学。那么如何培养学生学习的兴趣尤为重要。  中学英语教材的教学内容,教学手段到教学过程和各个环节都有很多可利用的兴趣因素,只要教师有意识地去挖掘都可成为英语课的“兴趣点”,经加工后再逐个切入,以点带面优化中学英语
【摘要】阅读是是人类认识客观事物的重要途径,是人类活动的基本方式之一。不管是用母语还是用外语阅读,不正确的阅读方式影响了人们获取信息的准确性及快速性。本文试图分析人们常见的错误的阅读方式,如何去克服以及如何培养正确的阅读方式,从而提高人们获取外部信息的能力。  【关键词】阅读 技巧 方法  阅读是我们获取外部信息的手段之一,所以我们学习外语的目的就是要通过阅读了解外国人文知识、先进的文化以更好的服
【摘要】重视和推广信息技术在教学过程中的应用,使信息技术与学科课程的有效整合,进一步实现教师的教学内容、学生的学习方式、师生双边互动的变革;利用现代信息技术,充分发挥课堂的优势,使教与学和谐地结合起来,进一步培养学生的创新意识和较强的理解能力;优化英语课堂结构,提高课堂效率。  【关键词】信息技术 学科整合 教学方法 提高效率  重视和推广信息技术在教学过程中的应用,使信息技术与学科课程的有效整合
【Abstract】Interpersonal meaning is an important part in functional grammar. It refers to that people use language to express their ideas or attitudes with others to set up their social relationship. B
【摘要】本人在深化翻转课堂模式的基础上,探索大学英语中游戏化学习与翻转教学有机结合的教学模式。通过教学实践验证:基于游戏化学习的翻转课堂模式能实现信息化技术与教师主观能动性的有机结合,促进学生自主学习的发生,有助于实现学生的有效学习,是切实有效的。  【关键词】游戏化学习 翻转课堂模式 教学设计与实践  目前,中国的大部分教师都是经历过传统教育的,对于“学习”的理解莫过于“记笔记、背诵知识点、做作