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冬至在农历十一月中,时间在每年的公历12月21日至23日之间不定。“至”是极致的意思,冬藏之气至此而极。它包含三层意思:阴寒达到极致,天最冷;阳气始至,上升才逼天气寒彻;太阳行至最南处,所以昼最短,夜最长。冬至节亦称冬节、交冬。它既是二十四节气之一,又是中国的一个传统节日,曾有“冬至大如年”的说法,宫廷和民间历来十分重视,从周代起就有祭祀活动。宫里边的达官贵人们忙着祭祀,宫外的老百姓们则把过节的重心放在了吃 The winter solstice in the lunar calendar in November, the time in the annual Gregorian calendar between December 21 to 23 uncertain. “To ” is the ultimate meaning, winter Tibet gas so extreme. It contains three meanings: chill reaches the extreme, the coldest day; until the yang begins, it forces the weather to go up; the sun reaches the southernmost point, so the shortest day and the longest night. Winter solstice festival is also called winter, pay winter. It is not only one of the twenty-four solar terms, but also a traditional festival in China. It used to be said that the “court of the great winter solstice is as big as the year of the year.” The court and folk have always attached great importance to sacrificial activities since the Zhou Dynasty. Officials inside the palace are busy ritual worship, extra-ordinary people put the focus of the festival to eat
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