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互联网时代提得最多的是互联网思维,它是对传统思维的一次颠覆性冲击。人力资源管理领域也不例外。互联网时代,组织与个人的关系不再是简单依附与绝对服从关系,在网状价值结构中,CEO犹如蜂巢中的蜂王,每个成员都高度自治、自主经营。组织不再界定核心员工,每个员工都可以在自己的岗位上发挥关键作用。互联网思维告诉我们,任何一个产品或服务的提供,都是以用户需求为出发点。人力资源部门要成为企业经营的重要部门,成为业务部门的合作伙伴。例如,有用户思维的招聘就能为企业带来更加稳定的团队。单纯的KPI指标在驱动员工工作热情上的效果已不再明显,如何让员工主动自发地工作,提高员工的投入度,使其创造出更大的价值成为很多企业最头疼的问题。随着互联网时代到来,人力资源管理工作重点发生了转移,要把员工发展看作企业发展的必要组成部分,注重对员工的培养和价值挖掘。这样人才将成为一种可再生资源,为企业提供源源不断的发展动力。互联网引导人力资源管理走向了以员工为中心的人性化服务阶段,以互联网思维创新管理模式,重视人才的可塑性,才能将人才转变为企业发展的重要资源。 Internet era is the most Internet thinking, it is a disruptive impact on the traditional thinking. Human resources management is no exception. In the Internet age, the relationship between organizations and individuals is no longer simply dependent on and absolute obedience. In the networked value structure, a CEO is like a queen bee in a hive. Each member has a high degree of autonomy and autonomy. No longer define the core staff organization, each employee can play a key role in their own posts. Internet thinking tells us that any one of the products or services provided, are based on user needs as a starting point. Human resources department to become an important business management department, a business unit partners. For example, hiring with user thinking can lead to a more stable team for the business. The pure KPI index has no obvious effect on driving employees’ enthusiasm for work. How to make employees take the initiative to work spontaneously, increase employee input, and make them create greater value have become the most troublesome issue for many enterprises. With the advent of the Internet age, human resources management has shifted its focus. It is necessary to regard employee development as an essential part of the development of an enterprise, focusing on staff training and value discovery. This talent will become a renewable resource for enterprises to provide a steady stream of development momentum. The Internet has led human resource management to a human-oriented service-centered service phase. With the innovative management mode of internet thinking and the plasticity of talents, talent can be transformed into an important resource for enterprise development.
<正> 1927年3月24日,国民革命军江右军分三路纵队进兵南京,搜剿不及撤退溃散城中的数万直鲁败兵。从上午8时左右起,南京发生抢劫外国人事件,在宁外人有个别伤亡。下午3时37分,停泊在南京下关江面的一艘英国军舰和两艘美国军舰向下关美孚油行小山周围及城内发炮轰击,达一个多小时。这就是当时震惊中
一、起步猛抬离合器 机车起步时应缓慢地松开离合器踏板,同时,适当加大油门行驶。否则,会造成对离合器总成及传动件的冲击,甚至损坏。 二、长期脚踏离合器踏板 有些 First,
以一只兔子作主人公的书你或许看过,但以一只找死的兔子为主人公的书只在安迪·莱利(Andy Riley)的画里。  安迪·莱利是一位来自英国的电视电影编剧,曾参与编写英国BBC电视台1999年出品的黏土动画片《驯鹿洛比之驯鹿大竞赛》(Robbie the Reindeer in Hooves of Fire)以及迪斯尼新片《罗密欧与朱丽叶》,前者曾获英国电影与电视艺术学院奖(BAFTA)。此外,他还
你是蜘蛛侠 行走在水与火竖立的高楼上 你是一尊变形金刚 毒气 烈焰 雾尘 爆炸 从高空垂下的重物 都无法抵御你的巨手 此时你像孙悟空 在火焰喷吐的八卦炉中修炼 炼出你的一
<正> 清流党崛起于“光绪初,广开言路,一时台谏争以搏击相高”之际,成为统治集团中的一个政治派别。但该群体既无纲领、又无计划,因而无确切的形成标志。笔者认为,最迟到1877年(光绪三年),清流党当已出现在晚清政坛。清流党的成员
入世后,国外农用车对我国农用车业的发展会产生怎样的影响 ?河北省的一些农用车经销商认为,利大于弊,在农用车产品质量升级与维护服务方面,还将产生很大的推动作用。   外国农