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文石也就是纹理石。专指表面纹理成形态好的奇石。多产于淄博的南部博山,称为博山文石。博山,山青水秀,四面环山,群峰纵横,是典型的石灰岩地带。有大量的石灰岩、变抽岩蕴藏在酸性红粘土中,经过大自然的常年变迁和腐蚀,形成体态各异的天然奇石,它石质好、石感强。皱、透、瘦、漏、丑,千姿百态,无奇不有,是观赏石的上好石种。有的文石还是难得的奇百珍品。在博山很多地方都能找到文石。以蚁龙、黑石湾所产的文石为佳,它石质好、纹理变化大、有白色脉络贯穿其中,更增加了文石的天然色彩。观赏石以皱、瘦、透、丑者为上,而博山文石更强调皱。博山文石以它独特的天然韵味,不需衬托任何植物和配件,即能独立观赏。文石清新自然,意境深远,汇 Amethyst is the texture of stone. Specifically refers to the surface texture into a good shape of rocks. Produced in southern Boshan Zibo, known as Boshan amethyst. Bo Shan, Shanqingshuixiu, surrounded by mountains, peaks aspect, is a typical limestone zone. A large number of limestone, variable rock deposits in acid red clay, through the perennial changes and corrosion of nature, the formation of different forms of natural stone, it is a good stone, strong stone sense. Wrinkles, through, thin, leakage, ugly, in different poses and strangeness, all without exception, is a good stone ornamental stone. Some amethyst or rare odd treasure. Aaron can be found in many parts of Boshan. Ants, Blackstone Bay produced aragonite is better, it is good stone, texture changes, with a white thread runs through them, but also adds to the natural color of aragonite. Ornamental stone to crumpled, thin, transparent, ugly person is on, and Boshan aragonite more emphasis on wrinkles. Boshan amethyst with its unique natural charm, without setting off any plants and accessories, that can watch independently. Aragonite fresh, artistic conception, sinks
软土地基上小桥涵钢筋混凝土整体基础极采用初参数法可直接求解在集中力、集中力偶作用下,基础粱的挠度、转角、弯矩和剪力,与采用叠加法用无限长梁公式计算结果相同。 The in
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。湘西风系列之二@唐勇力 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. Xiangxi
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