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自2007年国务院学位委员会设立汉语国际教育硕士专业以来,国际汉语教师的培养越来越受到关注。本文首先对比分析了2007《国际汉语教师标准》(以下简称2007《标准》)和2012《国际汉语教师标准》(以下简称2012《标准》),对二者进行了详细地解读,2012《国际汉语教师标准》更具适用性和完善性。之后,针对2009《全日制汉语国际教育硕士专业学位研究生指导性培养方案》(以下简称《培养方案》)进行简要介绍,说明其对国际汉语教师培养的重要作用。最后,以渤海大学汉语国际教育硕士培养为例,分析了2012《标准》为汉语国际教育硕士培养所带来的启示与思考,从而对汉语国际教育硕士培养提出建议。 Since the establishment of the Chinese Master of International Education in 2007 by the Academic Degrees Committee of the State Council, the training of international Chinese teachers has drawn more and more attention. This article first comparatively analyzes the 2007 International Chinese Language Teachers Standard (hereinafter referred to as the 2007 “Standard”) and the 2012 “International Chinese Language Teachers Standards” (hereinafter referred to as the 2012 “Standards”) for a detailed analysis of the two, 2012 “International Chinese Teacher standard ”more applicability and improvement. After that, a brief introduction to the 2009 “Guidance Program for Graduates with Master’s Degree in Full-time Chinese Language and Culture Education” (hereinafter referred to as “Training Program”) is given to explain their important role in training international Chinese teachers. Finally, taking the training of Chinese as an international education master at Bohai University as an example, this paper analyzes the implications and considerations of the 2012 “Standard” for the training of Chinese as a master of international education, and puts forward suggestions on how to cultivate a Master of International Education in Chinese language.
近年来,不少学者对“汉语水平词汇和汉字等级大纲”(后称“大纲”)提出了宝贵意见。本文把这些意见集中分类成八个方面进行综述,并总结出建议。 In recent years, many scho
初始可行性报告结沦:根据坝址调查,该坝址适宜建造混凝土坝或填筑坝。但比沃特集团(Biwater Group)承担的土石方任务很重,因此起初优先考虑了混凝土坝。在这基础上,1985年3
本文選取《大正新修大藏經》中“■”、“■”、“■”、“■”、“■”、“■”、“■”、“■”、“■”、“■”等10個疑難字進行考釋。 This paper chooses “Dazheng x