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2005年10月12日上午9时,伴随着一声震天巨响,我国的“神舟”六号载人航天飞船搭载着宇航员费俊龙、聂海胜,也搭载着全国人民的热切期望,顺利发射升空。这是我国继2003年10月“神舟”五号载人航天飞船实现首次载人太空飞行之后,在“飞天”之路上迈出的又一大步。祖国航天事业的发展是广大中学生关心的话题,亲身体验“飞天”,更是每个中学生的梦想。今年暑假里,上海市华育中学的李想、俞博闻两位同学受邀参加2005年国际宇航夏令营,就有机会在模拟活动中亲身感受“飞天”的新奇与乐趣。虽然没能亲身参与此次“神舟”六号的发射,但是有了在美国体验模拟“飞天”的经历,有了对航天科技的更多了解,他们在目睹“神舟”六号腾空而起的时候,心中的感受一定会更加强烈,一定会不同于从前。让我们借由李想和俞博闻的笔触,去了解更多国际宇航夏令营的细节,去了解更多关于航天的知识。同时,也让我们借由这些文字,去回味“神舟”六号成功发射的喜悦,去表达我们对航天人的一份敬意。 At 9 o’clock on the morning of October 12, 2005, along with loud noises, China’s “Shenzhou” manned spacecraft carrying the astronauts Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng on the 6th was also carrying the eager expectations of the people throughout the country. Lift off. This is another step taken by China in the “flying” road after the Shenzhou 5 manned spacecraft achieved its first manned space flight in October 2003. The development of the motherland’s space industry is a topic that the majority of middle school students care about. It is the dream of each middle school student to experience “Flying Sky” in person. During the summer vacation this year, Li Xiang and Yu Bowen from Shanghai Huayu Middle School were invited to participate in the 2005 International Aerospace Summer Camp, and they had the opportunity to experience the novelty and fun of “Flying Sky” in the simulation. Although they did not personally participate in the launch of the “Shenzhou” VI, they experienced the experience of “Flying” in the United States. With more understanding of space science and technology, they were witnessing the “Shenzhou” 6 flying into the sky. At that time, the feelings in my heart will surely be stronger and will definitely be different from the past. Let us use the brushstrokes of Li Xiang and Yu Bowen to learn more about the details of the international aerospace summer camp and to learn more about aerospace. At the same time, let us use these words to recall the joy of the successful launch of the “Shenzhou VI” and to express our respect for the astronauts.
同学们的发言都很中肯。反映了当前学校、家庭教育中存在的实际问题,完全应该重视。对老师和家长来说,关心帮助“后进生”义不容辞,要做好4 件事—— The students’ speech
岩笛山,其实叫岩里山,就在湘江河那边,因村落旁边有一水一旱两个岩洞而得名。桂林有个著名的岩洞,名叫芦笛岩,我常常把它想象为一支吹奏的芦笛。那么岩里山呢,索性就把它称作岩笛山,也好带个乐器的“笛”字吧。  我的母亲是岩笛山的人,那外公外婆和舅舅他们自然都生活在岩笛山了。可我从小没有见过外公外婆,据母亲说他们很早就病逝了。我倒是见过大舅舅和舅娘,那病恹恹的样子,老是卧床养病,不几年便去世了。有个二舅舅