Structural Modeling and Characteristics Analysis of Flow Interaction Networks in the Internet

来源 :Chinese Physics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxc13439460105
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Applying network duality and elastic mechanics,we investigate the interactions among Internet Sows by constructing a weighted undirected network,where the vertices and the edges represent the flows and the mutual dependence between Sows,respectively.Based on the obtained Sow interaction network,we find the existence of ’super flow’ in the Internet,indicating that some Sows have a great impact on a huge number of other Sows;moreover,one How can spread its influence to another through a limited quantity of Sows(less than 5 in the experimental simulations),which shows strong small-world characteristics like the social network.To reflect the Sow interactions in the physical network congestion evaluation,the ’congestion coefficient’ is proposed as a new metric which shows a finer observation on congestion than the conventional one. Applying network duality and elastic mechanics, we investigate the interactions among Internet Sows by constructing a weighted undirected network, where the vertices and the edges represent the flows and the mutual dependence between Sows, respectively. Based on the obtained Sow interaction network, we find the existence of ’super flow’ in the Internet, indicating that some Sows have a great impact on a huge number of other Sows; moreover, one How can spread its influence to another through a limited quantity of Sows (less than 5 in the experimental simulations ), which shows strong small-world characteristics like the social network.To reflect the Sow interactions in the physical network congestion evaluation, the ’congestion coefficient’ is proposed as a new metric which shows a finer observation on congestion than the conventional one.
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