
来源 :冶金管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huajinxiu
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今年以来,钢铁行业深入贯彻落实供给侧结构性改革,积极化解钢铁过剩产能,努力实现钢铁行业脱困发展。为适应钢铁行业发展新形势,提高钢铁企业设备运行管理水平,10月18-19日,中国钢铁工业协会冶金设备分会一届三次理事(扩大)会议在安徽省马鞍山市召开,会议主要由马钢股份和泰尔重工具体承办。会议主要内容包括:召开中国钢铁工业协会冶金设备分会一届三次理事(扩大)会议,研究落实 Since the beginning of this year, the steel industry has thoroughly implemented the supply-side structural reforms, actively dissolved excess steel production capacity and made efforts to realize the development of the steel industry. In order to meet the new situation in the development of the steel industry and improve the operation and management level of the equipment in the steel industry, from October 18 to 19, the three-member (enlarged) session of the first session of the Metallurgical Equipment Branch of China Iron and Steel Association was held in Ma’anshan City, Anhui Province. Shares and Tire Heavy contractors. The main contents of the conference include: convening the third meeting (enlarged) meeting of the first session of Metallurgical Equipment Branch of China Iron and Steel Association to study and implement
<正> 在我国法学研究领域中,关于公民的自由问题,应该深入进行理论上的探究,以适应和满足公民日益增长的自由要求,本文试就自由的概念、自由与法律的关系、自由的保障等问题,发表些议论,以求学术界同行们的指教。一“自由”一词,最早源于拉丁文libertas,西文为freedom,意指从被束缚中解放出来。人确非生来自由,在他们出生之际,政治意义上所说的“自由”并未能随之而来。自由是一定国家制度的
五 严格规则与自由裁量的结合——20世纪大陆法 如前所述,查士丁尼的法典编纂中断了罗马法中的严格规则与自由裁量相结合的体制,创立了绝对严格规则主义的传统。这一点恰恰
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(Jan.-Sept.,2016)From January to September last year,the above-scale enterprises maintained growth in main economic indicators of total output,main business inc