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在社会进入信息时代,教育模式由应试教育向素质教育转轨的大背景下,教师职前所获得的知识、技能远不能保证教育教学的成功,所以通过职后的继续教育提高教师的专业素质,以适应新时期对教师提出的新要求,就显得尤为重要。温州,作为全国闻名的经济城市,其继续教育起步于20 世纪90年代初期,发展较慢,与当前社会经济发展不相适应。笔者通过一项对429位温州市中学教师的问卷调查,结合个别访谈,对温州市中学师资现状、中学教师对当前继续教育的若干看法进行了分析,为制定切实可行的继续教育培 In the era of society entering the information age, the education model shifts from exam-oriented education to quality education. The knowledge and skills gained before the teacher’s job can’t guarantee the success of education. Therefore, continuing education through post-service improves the professional quality of teachers. In order to adapt to the new requirements put forward by teachers in the new period, it is particularly important. Wenzhou, as a nationally renowned economic city, started its continuing education in the early 1990s. It has developed slowly and is incompatible with the current social and economic development. Through a questionnaire survey of 429 Wenzhou middle school teachers, and through individual interviews, the author analyzed the status quo of middle school teachers in Wenzhou City and the opinions of secondary school teachers on current continuing education, in order to develop practical and sustainable training.
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