来源 :Journal of Natural Gas Chemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:janbchang
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A comparative kinetic analysis of the title reaction over the LC andSLC catalysts is reported.It shows that there are obvious differences in the ap-parent reaction activation energies,apparent reaction orders and the pathwayfor the formation of CO_x between the LC and SLC catalysts.The apparent acti-vation energies for CH_4 conversion and C_2,CO_x production over the LC catalystare higher than those over the SLC catalyst,while preexponential factors forthe CH_4 conversion and C_2,CO_x production are in reverse order.The ratio ofk_(C_2)/k_(CH_4) over the SLC is larger than that over the LC.In contrast,the ratio ofk_(CO_x)/k_(CH_4) over the SLC is smaller than that over the LC.This suggests that therole of the SrO additive is suppression of the total oxidation of methane and re-sults in a higher C_2selectivity.The apparent orders of CH_4 and O_2are about onein CH_4 conversion over the LC catalyst while the CH_4 conversion is about secondoder reaction with respect to CH_4 adn about first order reaction with A comparative kinetic analysis of the title reaction over the LC andSLC catalysts is reported. It shows that there are obvious differences in the ap-parent reaction activation energies, apparent reaction orders and the pathway for the formation of CO_x between the LC and SLC catalysts. apparent acti-vation energies for CH_4 conversion and C_2, CO_x production over the LC catalyst higher than those over the SLC catalyst, while preexponential factors forthe CH_4 conversion and C_2, CO_x production are in reverse order. The ratio of k_ (C_2) / k_ CH 4) over the SLC is larger than that over the LC. Contrast, the ratio of k_ (CO_x) / k_ (CH_4) over the SLC is smaller than that over the LC. This suggests that therole of the SrO additive is suppression of the total oxidation of methane and re-sults in a higher C_2selectivity. The apparent orders of CH_4 and O_2are about onein CH_4 conversion over the LC catalyst while the CH_4 conversion is about secondoder reaction with respect to CH_4 adn first order reaction with
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