
来源 :太阳能 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kerrytony
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目前,农村正处在房屋更新的阶段。为把太阳能用在民用住宅上,河北省唐县新能源办公室于1984年4月在本县北高昌大队离休干部赵纪身家建起了一座100平方米的被动式太阳房。该房座北朝南,东西墙和后山墙均采用珍珠岩粉保温,天花板用聚苯泡沫塑料板保温,地面用炉渣灰保温,南面用玻璃采光并加太阳能蓄热层。晚上还可拉下保温窗帘。据测试,冬季室内最低温度为5℃,一般保持在8℃,最高可达18℃。一月份平均室温在10℃左右。如果适当加点辅助热源(如炊事余热),室温还可提高。若遇连阴天,室内温度也没有大落现象。 At present, rural areas are in the stage of housing renovation. In order to use solar energy for residential use, the Office of New Energy in Tang County, Hebei Province established a 100-square-meter passive solar house in April 1984 at Zhao Ji’s home in the county’s Bei Gaochang Brigade. The south east part of the house is made of perlite powder, the ceiling of the east and west walls and the rear gable are insulated with polyphenyl foam, the floor is insulated with slag ash, and the south is glazed with glass and a solar heat storage layer is added. You can also pull down the insulation curtains at night. According to tests, the minimum indoor temperature in winter is 5 °C, generally maintained at 8 °C, up to 18 °C. The average room temperature in January is around 10°C. If you add an auxiliary heat source (such as residual heat), room temperature can also be increased. If it is cloudy, the indoor temperature does not drop.
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目的 :探讨血清可溶性白细胞介素 - 2受体测定对消化系肿瘤的诊断价值。方法 :采用酶联免疫法测定 5 6例消化系肿瘤患者和 40例健康人血清可溶性白细胞介素 - 2受体 (SIL - 2
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