Mg-Al Alloys Manufactured by Casting and Hot Working Process

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hawkzhou
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Mechanical properties of Mg-Al based alloys at different fabrication state,namely as-cast,hot rolled,and annealed,were investigated to develop the alloys that are suitable for the casting/hot working process.Exper- imental results indicated that the castability such as hot cracking resistance tends to improve with increasing the aluminum content.However,the elongation at elevated temperatures was observed to decrease as the AI content increases,implying difficulties in hot forming.A small amount of Zr additions could significantly enhance the room temperature mechanical properties of hot-rolled Mg-6%Al-1%Zn alloy.The tendency of remarkable grain coarsening at high temperatures was effectively reduced by the Zr additions.TEM analyses suggested that very fine Al_3Zr precipitates formed in the Zr-added alloy are responsible for the obtained results. Mechanical properties of Mg-Al based alloys at different fabrication state, namely as-cast, hot rolled, and annealed, were investigated to develop the alloys that are suitable for the casting / hot working process. Super-imental results indicated that the castability such as hot cracking resistance tends to improve with increasing aluminum content.However, the elongation at elevated temperatures was observed to decrease as the AI ​​content increases, implying difficulties in hot forming. A small amount of Zr additions could significantly enhance the room temperature mechanical properties of hot-rolled Mg-6% Al-1% Zn alloy. The tendency of remarkable grain coarsening at high temperatures was effectively reduced by the addition of Zr. s. SEM analyzes suggest that very fine Al_3Zr precipitates formed in the Zr-added alloy are responsible for the obtained results.
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