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2013年7月9日,陕煤铜川矿业公司举办了一场反腐倡廉专题教育报告会,特邀反腐研究专家、陕西省未成年犯罪管教所纪委书记翟学荣现场宣讲。听了这个专题报告,耐人寻味,发人深省。一方面感到党和政府反腐倡廉的坚强决心;一方面感到新形势下,反腐倡廉工作的复杂性、长期性和艰巨性,反腐倡廉工作任重而道远,听了翟书记的报告,有许多感触: On July 9, 2013, Shaanxi Tongchuan Mining Co., Ltd. held a special education report on combating corruption and advocating clean government. Zhai Xuerong, secretary of Discipline Inspection Commission of Shaanxi Province’s Minor Crimes Administration, was invited to give a lecture on anti-corruption research. After listening to this special report, thought-provoking and thought-provoking. On the one hand, they feel the strong determination of the party and the government in fighting corruption and building a clean government. On the one hand, they feel the complexity, long-term and arduous work of fighting corruption and promoting honest government under the new situation and the long-term and arduous task of fighting corruption and promoting honest government go a long way. After listening to Di’s report , There are many feelings:
The evaluation of water content in crude oil is of significance to petroleum exploration and transportation.Terahertz(THz) waves are sensitive to fluctuations i
2017年4月21日,中国科学院文献情报中心网站正式公布了中国科学引文数据库(Chinese Science Citation Database,CSCD)2017~2018年度来源期刊遴选结果,由长春汽车研究所(中国
【Source】A New Account of the Tales of the World,compiled and edited by Liu Yiqing(403-444)during the Liu SongDynasty(420-479).【出处】南朝宋·刘义庆《世说新语
房间传导阻滞是指心房的房间束传导的延迟或阻滞。笔者阐明房间传导的解剖、生理机制 ,房间传导阻滞的诊断标准 ,明确其发病率较高 ,危害性是导致房性心律失常 (房性心动过速