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党的十二大报告中指出:“我们要正确划分指令性计划、指导性计划和市场调节各自的范围和界限”。为此,许多同志都提出要以“产品重要性”作为划分三种计划管理形式的客观依据。无疑,这是正确的。然而,关于“产品重要性”究竟是什么,至今还未解决。按有些同志的理解,“产品重要性”实际上是指产品类别的重要性。他们把关系国计民生的重要产品笼统地说成是某些类产品,如粮食、煤炭,钢铁等等。虽然这种划分也考虑了社会产品的重要程度(因为上述所说的产品类中,确有大部分或绝大部分是真正的关系国计民生的重要产品),但最终它是按产品的自然特点、自然属性为标志而不是按真正意义上的产品重 The report of the 12th CPC National Congress pointed out: “We must correctly divide the scope and boundaries of the mandatory plans, guiding plans and market regulation.” For this reason, many comrades have proposed that “product importance” be used as an objective basis for dividing the three types of program management. No doubt, this is correct. However, what exactly “product importance” is and has not been solved yet. As some comrades understand, “product importance” actually means the importance of the product category. They generally refer to the important products that are relevant to national economy and the people’s livelihood as certain types of products such as grain, coal, steel and so on. Although this division also takes into account the importance of social products (because most or most of the above-mentioned product categories are really important products that are relevant to the national economy and the people’s livelihood), in the end it is based on the natural characteristics of the product, Natural attributes as a sign rather than in the true sense of the product weight
近日,北京市东城区工会发出《关于在职工中兴起学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想新热潮的通知》,要求各级工会组织要把学习贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,作 Recently, the trade
Influences of large-scale climatic phenomena,such as the El Nino/La Nina-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) and the Pacific Decadal Oscillation(PDO),on the temporal var
治破伤风秘方药物组成:当归13g,黄连9g,荆芥、防风各10g,黄芪8g,炮穿山甲11g,皂针9g,甘草3g。加减:伤在头部加藁本10g,升麻3g,桔梗6g;左手左胁加川芎9g;右手右胁加白芷6g;手指加桂枝9g;腰部加杜仲10g;胸部加蒲公英10g... Treatme