Inner Attitude Integration Algorithm Based on Fault Detection for Strapdown Inertial Attitude and He

来源 :Chinese Journal of Aeronautics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:szneptune
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This article proposes a new inner attitude integration algorithm to improve attitude accuracy of the strapdown inertial attitude and heading reference system(SIAHRS),which,by means of a Kalman filter,integrates the calculated attitude from the accelerometers in inertial measuring unit(IMU),called damping attitudes,with those from the conventional IMU.As vehicle's acceleration could produce damping attitude errors,the horizontal outputs from accelerometers are firstly used to judge the vehicle's motion so as to determine whether the damping attitudes could be reasonably applied.This article also analyzes the limitation of this approach.Furthermore,it suggests a residual chi-square test to judge the validity of damping attitude measurement in real time,and accordingly puts forward proper information fusion strategy.Finally,the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is proved through the experiments on a real system in dynamic and static states. This article proposes a new inner attitude integration algorithm to improve attitude accuracy of the strapdown inertial attitude and heading reference system (SIAHRS), which, by means of a Kalman filter, integrates the calculated attitude from the accelerometers in inertial measuring unit (IMU), called damping attitudes, with those from the conventional IMU.As vehicle's acceleration could produce reasonality of absorbing bias attitude errors, the horizontal outputs from accelerometers are be used to judge the vehicle's motion so as to determine whether the damping attitudes could be reasonably applied. the limitation of this approach. Here again a residual chi-square test to judge the validity of damping attitude measurement in real time, and noting puts forward proper information fusion strategy .Finally, the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is proved by the experiments on a real system in dynamic and static states.
根据云南目前的出境通道现状及建设直入印度洋通道的目的和要求,确定通道建设的总体思路、指导思想、布局重点和建设步骤如下: 一、总体思路 建设直入印度洋的“云南通道”
“咚咚咚”,不知是谁敲响了大门,我连忙打开门,门外站着一位陌生的阿姨和一个可爱的小男孩。  “请问,您是……”“噢,我是你妈妈的朋友,我姓韩。”“原来是韩阿姨呀,您请坐。妈妈,韩阿姨来了!”  妈妈从楼上下来后,便和韩阿姨拉起了家常。  没办法,我也只好和小男孩聊了起来:“你叫什么呀?”小男孩说:“我叫田亮,大人都叫我亮亮,今年6岁。”“呦,你还是个跳水运动员呀!”亮亮不知道我说的什么,只是盯着我