Capacitance performance enhancement of TiO_2 doped with Ni and graphite

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herojian
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Nano-amorphous TiO2 was prepared by a sol-gel method. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that the composite electrode material (TiO2-NiO-C) is made of powder with a grain size of 36.2 nm. Doping of nickel and graphite can increase the electrical conductivity and the specific surface area of nano-amorphous TiO2. The electrochemical properties of TiO2-NiO-C, such as self-discharge, leakage current, and cycle life, were studied using cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and charge-discharge test. With a charge-discharge current density of 500 mA/g, the specific capacity of the TiO2-NiO-C composite material reaches 12.88 mAh/g. Also, the expense of capacity is only 3.88% after 500 cycles. The electrochemical capacitor with the electrode material of TiO2-NiO-C shows excellent capacity and cycling performance. Nano-amorphous TiO2 was prepared by a sol-gel method. The results of X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) show that the composite electrode material (TiO2-NiO-C) is made of powder with a grain size of 36.2 nm. Doping of nickel and graphite can increase the electrical conductivity and the specific surface area of ​​nano-amorphous TiO2. The electrochemical properties of TiO2-NiO-C, such as self-discharge, leakage current, and cycle life, were With cyclic voltammetry (CV), electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), and charge-discharge test. With a charge-discharge current density of 500 mA / g, the specific capacity of the TiO2-NiO-C composite material reaches 12.88 mAh / g. Also, the expense of capacity is only 3.88% after 500 cycles. The electrochemical capacitor with the electrode material of TiO2-NiO-C shows excellent capacity and cycling performance.
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