
来源 :历史学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangzhibo87
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我们将此文推荐给已进行新课改多年的山东省淄博市实验中学的高中历史教师周爱霞,周老师阅后将她的读后感反馈给编辑部“此篇文章很好。我觉得恰好显出《历史学习》的正确导向作用。辩论辩论,就是从辩论中得出正确的结论。学生动脑了、动手了,兴趣也紧跟而来了。我们以前上高中的时候,教数学的老师就用这种方式,所以记忆至此深刻。” We recommend this article to Zhou Aixia, a high school history teacher at Zibo City Experimental Middle School in Shandong Province who has undergone many years of new curriculum reforms. After reading, she reads her feedback to the editorial department. “This article is very good. I think it happens The correct guiding role of “History Study.” Debate and debate is to draw correct conclusions from the debate. Students have brains, hands, and interest. We used to teach mathematics teachers when we were in high school. This way, so memory is so deep."
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