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党的十四届四中全会通过的《中共中央关于加强党的建设几个重大问题的决定》,是在我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设发展的关键时刻,以江泽民为核心的党中央抓住有全局意义和长远意义的重大问题,做出的重大决定,是在新形势下加强党的建设的纲领性文件。中共吉林省委发出通知,要求各级党组织和广大党员要认真学习领会《决之》精神。充分认识《决定》的重大意义,扎扎实实地落实《决定》提出的各项任务。通知要求全省广大党员、干部要在原原本本学习文件的基础上,把握好如下要点:1、正确认识党的建设面临的形势和任务;2、充分认识坚持和健全民主集中制的重要性;3、充分认识加强和改进党的基层组织建设的紧迫性;4、充分认识培养和选拔德才兼备的领导干部是关系全局的重大问题;5、全面把握新时期加强党的建设的整体部署。 为帮助基层党组织和广大党员学习、贯彻、落实好中央《决定》的精神,实现省委《通知》提出的要求,本刊特邀请中央有关部门的有关人员,撰写了本辅导。辅导紧紧围绕中央《决定》中涉及的有关党的建设方面的若干重大问题,以《决定》精神为指导,采用理论联系实际和深入浅出易懂的写作方法,列出36个题目分别进行了解答,极为适合基层党组织和广大党员学习、理解中央《决定》精神的需要。 The “Decision of the CPC Central Committee and the Fourth Central Plenary of the 14th CPC Central Committee on Several Important Issues for Strengthening Party Building” was taken at the crucial moment of our country’s reform and opening up and the socialist modernization drive and development. The Central Party Committee with Jiang Zemin as its core party seized The major issue of overall significance and long-term significance, the major decision that has been made, is the programmatic document for strengthening party building in the new situation. CPC Jilin Provincial Committee issued a circular demanding that party organizations and party members at all levels should conscientiously study and understand the spirit of “determination”. We must fully recognize the great significance of “decision,” and earnestly implement the various tasks set forth in the “decision.” The circular requires that the majority of party members and cadres in the province should grasp the following points on the basis of the original documents of their own study: 1. Correctly understand the situation and tasks confronting the party’s construction; 2. Fully understand the importance of adhering to and perfecting democratic centralism; 3 Fully understand the urgency of strengthening and improving party building at grassroots level; 4. Fully understand that the training and selection of leading cadres with both integrity and ability are major issues of overall concern; and 5. Overall grasp the overall deployment of party building in the new period. In order to help grass-roots party organizations and the majority of party members study, implement and implement the spirit of the Central Government’s “Decision,” we must fulfill the requirements set forth in the “Circular” by the provincial party committee. We have invited relevant personnel from relevant departments of the Central Government to write this guidance. Guidance focused on a number of major issues concerning party building as set forth in the “Decision” of the Central Government, guided by the spirit of “decision”, adopted the methods of combining theory with practice and introduced in-depth and easy-to-understand writing methods, and listed 36 questions that were answered separately , Which is extremely suitable for the needs of the grassroots party organizations and the majority of party members to learn and understand the spirit of the “decision” by the Central Government.
焦裕禄不怕险。他深夜冒雨到洪灾最厉害的赵家垛去察看灾情,几次有被冲走的危险,他毫不犹豫;他肝病已很严重了,但面对“死神”,他一点也不畏惧。 Jiao Yu Lu not afraid of
目的研究间充质干细胞(MSCs)对小鼠活化B细胞微小核糖核酸155(miRNA-155)和肿瘤坏死因子-α(TNF-α)表达的影响,探讨MSCs对B细胞的调控机制。方法以小鼠脾脏原代B细胞为研究模型,在B细胞受体(BCR)刺激下,与人脐带来源的MSCs共培养3 d后,收集悬浮的B细胞,进行细胞计数,实时定量PCR检测B细胞miRNA-155和TNF-α mRNA水平,酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)