New Nanocomposite Materials by Incorporation of Nanocrystalline TiO_2 Particles into Polyaniline Con

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weishaohua1982
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This work is focused on the combination of two building-blocks,nanocrystalline TiO_2 particles and polyaniline conductive films(PAni).The preparation of new nanostructured composite materials,displaying electron-and proton-conductive properties,to be used for the fabrication of new and superior energy storage devices was envisaged.The semiconducting TiO_2 nanoparticles were obtained by means of a hydrothermal route.The PAni films were prepared on glassy carbon electrodes by electrochemical polymerization,under potential dynamic conditions.After characterization by X-ray diffraction,transmission electron microscopy or scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical techniques,the nanocrystalline particles were immobilized in the polymer matrix.The incorporation of the TiO_2 was achieved using two distinct approaches:during the polymer growth or by deposition over previously prepared PAni films.The results demonstrate that the PAni morphology depends on the experimental conditions used during the polymer growth.After TiO_2 immobilization,the best electrochemical response was obtained for the nanocomposite structure produced through the TiO_2 incorporation after the PAni film synthesis.The modified electrodes were structurally and morphologically characterized and their electro-catalytic activity towards the hydrogen evolution reaction was analyzed.A new electrochemical performance related with the oxidation of molecular hydrogen entrapped in the PAni-TiO_2 matrix was observed for the modified electrode after TiO_2 incorporation.This behavior can be directly associated with the synergetic combination of the TiO_2 and PAni,and is dependent on the amount of the semiconductor. This work is focused on the combination of two building-blocks, nanocrystalline TiO 2 particles and polyaniline conductive films (PAni). The preparation of new nanostructured composite materials, displaying electron-and proton-conductive properties, to be used for the fabrication of new and superior energy storage devices was envisaged.The semiconducting TiO_2 nanoparticles were obtained by means of a hydrothermal route. The PAni films were prepared on glassy carbon electrodes by electrochemical polymerization, under potential dynamic conditions. After characterization by X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy or scanning electron microscopy and electrochemical techniques, the nanocrystalline particles were immobilized in the polymer matrix. The incorporation of the TiO 2 was achieved using two distinct approaches: during the polymer growth or by deposition over previously prepared PAni films. on the experimental conditions us ed during the polymer growth. After TiO 2 immobilization, the best electrochemical response was obtained for the nanocomposite structure produced through the TiO 2 incorporation after the PA ni film synthesis. the modified electrodes were structurally and morphologically characterized and their electro-catalytic activity towards the hydrogen evolution reaction was analyzed. A new electrochemical performance related with the oxidation of molecular hydrogen entrapped in the PAni-TiO 2 matrix was observed for the modified electrode after TiO 2 incorporation. This behavior can be directly associated with the synergetic combination of the TiO 2 and PAni, and is dependent on the amount of the semiconductor.
【摘要】本文对颜色和物理学、心理学,以及医学方面的关系进行了研究和论述,并根据颜色这些方面的特性分析了颜色在设计中的应用方式,对设计中的色彩使用方式提出了新的要求和发展方向。  【关键词】颜色 颜色心理 色彩治疗 设计  【中图分类号】G633.95 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-3089(2012)10-0014-01  一、颜色的力量  在我们生活的环境中光几乎无所不在,颜色也
据《经济日报》载文介绍:注重产品质量、快速更新技术,这些日本的成功要诀,早已为人所熟知。然而,它的另一个奥秘一一有效的成本控制,却未引起人们的足够重视。 According
一、复合场中的极值问题  例1 如图1,第四象限内有互相正交的匀强电场[E=]0.5×103V/m与匀强磁场[B1=]0.5T. 第一象限的某个矩形区域内,有方向垂直纸面向里的匀强磁场[B2],磁场的下边界与[x]轴重合. 一质量[m=]1×10-14kg、电荷量[q=]1×10-10C的带正电微粒以某一速度[v]沿与[y]轴正方向[60°]从[M]点沿直线运动,经[P]点即进入处于第一象限内的