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报纸的信息面广、信息量大、报导速度快,是重要的情报源。专业图书馆的库房面积小,不可能长期保存各种报纸。据我们了解,除个别馆条件稍好,能保存1—2年的报纸外,其他各馆只存当年的报纸。随着报纸的处理,某些有价值的数据、资料就无法再于馆内查到,实在是一种损失和浪费。为了适应科研工作的需要,我馆共订购报纸50余种,其中的许多信息对我所的科研工作很有价值。但是由于科研工作者无法抽出更多的时间查阅这些报纸,使一些有价值的信息,没有被及时发现和利用,因而也就失去了宝贵的价值。为了充分利用报纸资源,发挥信息的强大作用,我馆从1989年初开始了报纸剪裁工作。 The newspaper has a wide range of information, large amount of information and fast reporting speed, which is an important intelligence source. Professional library warehouse area is small, it is impossible to save a variety of newspapers for a long time. As far as we know, except for the slightly better conditions in individual pavilions and the preservation of 1-2 years of newspapers, the other pavilions only keep the newspapers of that year. With the handling of newspapers, some valuable data and information can no longer be found in the museum, which is really a loss and waste. In order to meet the needs of scientific research, our library ordered a total of more than 50 kinds of newspapers, many of which are of great value to our scientific research work. However, because scientific researchers can not extract more time to read these newspapers, some valuable information has not been discovered and utilized in time, so they have lost precious value. In order to make full use of the resources of newspapers and give full play to the powerful role of information, our library began cutting newspapers in early 1989.
下丘脑.垂体褪黑激素对非人类灵长动物的下丘脑垂体 机能的药理作用…………………………(1)42外源B一内啡肽对人垂体前叶激素分泌作用的影响………………………………··(1
通过参与吉林燃料乙醇玉米油总承包项目费用控制过程,阐明了总承包工程项目必须从设计、招标、采购、施工等各阶段进行全过程费用控制,目的是以较少的投入获得最大效益。 By
本科五年来所遇恶性肿瘤434例,其中恶性肉芽肿35例.复习其命名,发病率,发病年龄及部位等,并提出中线恶网与Wegener肉芽肿的鉴别.对本病的诊断和治疗提出方法. In the past f
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Hydrodynamic forces and flow pattern of four kinds of cavitating grid fins with cavitation number from 2.5 to 0.25 were simulated numerically with a bubble two-