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目前,全国各普通高等院校在本科生和研究生中不同程度地开设了《文献检索与利用》课,但在成人高等教育中普遍未开设此课程。本文试就在成人高等教育中开设《文献检索与利用》课的问题进行探讨。一、为了提高成人高等教育培养人才的质量,在成人高等教育中开设“文献检索与利用”课已是势在必行。第一,要解决文献情报的剧增同人们接受能力的有限性和对文献情报的高度选择、利用和开发的矛盾,必须掌握文献检索技术。成人高等教育的对象同样应按照高级人才的培养规格要求,应具备文 At present, colleges and universities all over the country have opened “literature retrieval and utilization” courses for undergraduates and postgraduates to varying degrees, but this course has not been widely established in adult higher education. This article tries to discuss the issue of “literature retrieval and utilization” course in adult higher education. First, in order to improve the quality of adult education in higher education, it is imperative to open “literature retrieval and utilization” course in adult higher education. First, to solve the dramatic increase of literature and information, the limited ability of people to accept and the high degree of selection, utilization and development of literature and information, we must master the literature retrieval technology. The object of adult higher education should also be in accordance with the training of senior personnel requirements, should have a
下丘脑.垂体褪黑激素对非人类灵长动物的下丘脑垂体 机能的药理作用…………………………(1)42外源B一内啡肽对人垂体前叶激素分泌作用的影响………………………………··(1
通过参与吉林燃料乙醇玉米油总承包项目费用控制过程,阐明了总承包工程项目必须从设计、招标、采购、施工等各阶段进行全过程费用控制,目的是以较少的投入获得最大效益。 By
本科五年来所遇恶性肿瘤434例,其中恶性肉芽肿35例.复习其命名,发病率,发病年龄及部位等,并提出中线恶网与Wegener肉芽肿的鉴别.对本病的诊断和治疗提出方法. In the past f
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Hydrodynamic forces and flow pattern of four kinds of cavitating grid fins with cavitation number from 2.5 to 0.25 were simulated numerically with a bubble two-