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十八大以来,随着国家对于现行教育制度的改革,越来越多的教育形式面临着攻坚的难题,如何能够更好地推进预科教育改革是我们每个预科教育工作者所必须面对的问题,本文就预科英语教学的现状,着眼于提高学生课堂学习效率,针对性地提出课堂教学改革措施和办法,,从而改善学生英语学习现状,提高学生英语水平 Since the 18th CPC National Congress, with the reform of the existing education system in our country, more and more forms of education are facing difficult problems to tackle. How to better promote the reform of preparatory education is something that every pre-education educator must face Problem, this article on the status quo of preparatory English teaching, focusing on improving the efficiency of classroom learning, targeted teaching reform measures and methods of classroom teaching, so as to improve students’ English learning and improve their English proficiency
粒细胞肉瘤(granulocytic sarcoma,GS)是一种未成熟粒细胞在髓外增生和浸润形成的肿瘤性包块,最常侵犯的部位为皮肤、淋巴结、软组织、骨及骨膜[1]。GS较多见于急性粒细胞白
Corrosion resistance of titanium (Ti) alloys is closely connected with their microstructure which can be adjusted and controlled via different annealing schemes
Hydrogels with tissue adhesiveness have demonstrated great promise for wearable electronics,artificial skin,soft robotics,and tissue repair.Nevertheless,adhesiv
毛泽东读《西游记》,和读我国其他优秀的古典文学名著《红楼梦》、《水浒》、《三国演义》一样,开始是当故事读的,后来就联系我国革命斗争和社会主义建设工作中的实际,从各种不同的视角去阅读,去理解,去运用,去说明实际问题。所以,到了体弱多病的晚年,他老人家还常常夜以继日地读《西游记》。  从政治的视角阅读《西游记》  《西游记》是一部著名的神话小说,从政治的视角去阅读这部小说,这不能不说是毛泽东阅读《西游
The controlled release of antibiotic drugs to injured sites has great advantages over the conventional intravenous administration of antibiotics,which is associ
Aiming at overcoming the strength-ductility trade-off in structural Ti-alloys,a new family of TRIP/TWIP Ti-alloys was developed in the past decade (TWIP: twinni