
来源 :鸭绿江(下半月版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:woshiwangxincheng
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伴随着我们国家的教育制度改革措施的深入与发展,高职医学教育在我国不断的发展和进步,高职医学教育人才培养模式已经逐渐受到人们的重视,成为了职业技术教育教学的一个重要组成部分。为了适应国家教育制度改革发展的新形势,我们国家各高校都在进行教学改革。高职院校基础教学改革是其中的一个重要组成部分,我们必须充分重视教学改革的质量与水平。因此,我们必须要提高高职院校医学教学质量和教学水平,致力于提高学生的实际操作水平。本篇文章将根据高职院校的实际教学现状进行深入分析和探讨,探讨在教学改革过程中存在的问题,根据问题制定相应的解决措施,以此来增强高职院校医学生的教育教学质量。 With the deepening and development of educational reform in our country, the continuous development and advancement of medical education in higher vocational education in our country has gradually taken the people’s attention and become an important part of the teaching of vocational and technical education section. In order to adapt to the new situation of the reform and development of the national education system, all the colleges and universities in our country are carrying out the teaching reform. The basic teaching reform in higher vocational colleges is one of the important components. We must attach great importance to the quality and level of teaching reform. Therefore, we must improve the medical teaching quality and teaching level in higher vocational colleges, and devote ourselves to improving the students’ practical operation. This article will be based on the status quo of the actual teaching in higher vocational colleges in-depth analysis and discussion to explore the problems in the process of teaching reform, according to the problem to develop appropriate solutions to enhance the teaching of medical students in vocational colleges quality.
一、问题的提出 随机动态规划是求解水电站水库最优运行策略的有效方法,但是,对于两个以上的水电站水库群优化调度问题的求解,维数灾便成为其难于实际应用的最大障碍。即使
Identification of hepatocellular carcinoma- associated tumor antigens is necessary and pivotal for specific immunotherapy in hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) pati
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1998~ 1999年度选择基本苗、氮肥用量和稻麦共生期 3个对套播小麦生长发育影响较大的因素 ,采用二次回归近似最优设计进行了田间试验。结果表明 :对套播小麦籽粒产量的重要性