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经济复苏带来的产业结构调整,劳动合同法等一系列保护劳动者合法权益的政策法规的实施与深入,工资集体协商制度全面展开对企业用人战略的影响,人口结构变化与“刘易斯拐点”的提前到来,应对金融危机时的极端措施所致的后遗症的发作,80后、90后的崛起与管理的变革,全球化的冲击,数字化的挑战,金融危机的余波,多元文化的冲突,兼并,重组,加薪,跳槽,以及人们对人力资源管理的或过高期待或不屑一顾,高管层的不支持,直线经理的不配合,基层员工的不理解……这个多变的环境,这个特殊的时代,给人力资源管理带来了诸多困惑。挑战从来都是与机遇并存。在这个复杂多变的环境下,HR采取什么样的生存策略才能迎难而上,更好地抓住机遇脱颖而出?在日前本刊与北京影响力企业管理有限公司联合主办的有200多位HR参加的“首届影响力·中国HR夏季管理论坛”上,几位专家对此多有精彩观点。本刊加以整理,择要刊登,或许能对HR朋友多少有些帮助。 The industrial restructuring brought by the economic recovery and the implementation and deepening of a series of policies and regulations for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of laborers, the collective bargaining system has carried out a full-scale impact on the employment strategy of enterprises, the change of demographic structure and the “Lewis turning point ”The advent of early response to the sequels caused by the extreme measures during the financial crisis, the rise of the post-90s and the management reform, the impact of globalization, the challenges of digitization, the financial crisis, the multicultural conflicts, Mergers, reorganizations, pay increases, job-hopping, and high expectations or disrespect for human resource management, unsupportive top management, mismatch between line managers, and misunderstandings of grassroots employees ... This changing environment This particular era has brought a lot of confusion to human resources management. The challenge is always with the opportunity. In this complex and ever-changing environment, HR survival strategy adopted to meet the challenge, to better seize the opportunity to come to the fore. In the recent publication and Beijing influential Enterprise Management Co., Ltd. co-sponsored more than 200 HR To participate in “First Influence China HR Summer Management Forum ”, many experts have wonderful views on this. Articles to be sorted out, choose to publish, may be somewhat help to the HR friends.
As one of the most exciting inspection and powerful analysis methods in modern materials metallographic examinations, the difference interference contrast (DIC)
The pathophysiology of dystonia is unclear. The authors recorded local field potentials (LFPs) from deep brain stimulation electrodes implanted in the pallidum
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动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血(subarachnoid hemorrhage,SAH)是一种病死率和残疾率均很高的脑血管病,约50%的SAH患者死亡,1/3的存活者遗留长期功能残疾。在美国神经外科医师协会2006年年会上,英国剑桥大学Addenbrooke医院神经外科的Tseng等报道,普伐他汀急性期治疗可降低SAH患者的残疾率和病死率。