
来源 :Journal of Geographical Sciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zzhang123
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Based on the samples collected from the west wall of the ABYT2004 at Yuhuicun Site in Bengbu,Anhui Province,the multi-environmental substitute indexes such as the grain-size,Rb/Sr,zircon crystal morphology and magnetic susceptibility were analyzed.The age of archaeological strata was determined by AMS14C dating.According to the results,combined with the information of the ancient human activities and the cultural heritage data obtained from the Longshan cultural archaeological strata,it can be concluded that(1) Before 4500 aBP,the climate was humid and water level was high in the Huaihe River and its tributaries,the drainage basin and its surrounding areas were even flooded,so the site area was submerged and there were no human activities around the site.(2) About 4500 aBP,the climate began to become drier and water level of the Huaihe River and its tributaries began to decline,thus floodplain gradually appeared,Yuhuicun Site and Longshan Culture began to appear.(3) Around 4100 aBP,the climate was humid and rainfall was abundant,which resulted in frequent flood disasters in the whole Huaihe River Basin.(4) After 4100 aBP,the climate gradually transited to be cold and dry,agricultural production was constrained to reduce the food source,Yuhuicun Site was almost abandoned.(5) The environmental information in sedimentary strata and historical records based on ancient books agree with each other.In addition,Yuhuicun Site was related to Dayu Zhishui(Yu the Great in taming the floods) in ancient books. Based on the samples collected from the west wall of the ABYT2004 at Yuhuicun Site in Bengbu, Anhui Province, the multi-environmental substitutes indexes such as the grain-size, Rb / Sr, zircon crystal morphology and magnetic susceptibility were analyzed. archaeological strata was determined by AMS14C dating. According to the results, combined with the information of the ancient human activities and the cultural heritage data obtained from the Longshan cultural archaeological strata, it can be approved that (1) Before 4500 aBP, the climate was humid and water level was high in the Huaihe River and its tributaries, the drainage basin and its surrounding areas were even flooded, so the site area was submerged and there were no human activities around the site. (2) About 4500 aBP, the climate began to become drier and water level of the Huaihe River and its tributaries began to decline, thus floodplain gradually appeared, Yuhuicun Site and Longshan Culture began to appear. (3) Around 4100 aBP, the climate was humid and rainfall was abundant, which resulted in frequent flood disasters in the whole Huaihe River Basin. (4) After 4100 aBP, the climate gradually transited to be cold and dry, agricultural production was constrained to reduce the food source, Yuhuicun Site was almost abandoned. (5) The environmental information in sedimentary strata and historical records based on ancient books agree with each other. In addition, Yuhuicun Site was related to Dayu Zhishui (Yu the Great in taming the floods) in ancient books.
十八载航海生涯故事很多,有的已渐渐淡忘,但1995年10月15日,在远离尘嚣的南中国海上的一次拖带行动,却犹在眼前。 上午9点整。艳阳初升,海阔天空。我所在的上远公司高阳轮离
我的好课观,可用八个字概括,即“乐学善思,乐教善导”。  从学生“学”的角度来考量,好课应当是学生“乐学善思”的课堂。  “乐学”是好课的首要特征。我们常在名师执教的语文公开课上看到学生小脸通红、两眼放光、思维活跃、兴趣高昂。我们常为此感叹,我的课堂为何就没有这样的效果——有调查表明,超过半数的学生认为语文学习让人感到不快乐,“心不在焉”成为学生日常语文学习的常态,他们总是盼望放假,或者上体育课、
从2004年语文分省自主命题开始,至2007年,全国已有20多个省市进行了语文自主命题。“教育部统一高考,分省命题”的政策,使语文高考试题地方特色的出现成为必然。由于分省命题是以“发挥地方资源优势,体现地方特色”为主旨,所以各省命题人都不可避免地在高考试卷中打上自己的印记,从而使高考语文试卷呈现出百花齐放的局面。湖北省语文高考题历经四年,同样深受荆楚文化的影响,带有浓郁的楚文化的色彩。    一、
在遥远的古代,外星人乘飞船来到地球,对地球人的文明发展起着重要的作用——他们帮助地球人建立一些伟大的文明,建造了很多让现代人无法理解的遗址。他们不仅在秘鲁的纳斯卡荒原创作了巨大而神秘的地画,还在附近的皮斯科山谷挖出了数千个神秘坑洞……  有些人相信纳斯卡地画和皮斯科坑洞就是这样被创造出来的。考古学家对纳斯卡地画已经进行了几十年的研究,现在仍有谜团未解,而皮斯科坑洞直到现在还让考古学家深陷迷雾。