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我们是个常年在乡下演出的剧团。以前,每到一地演出,都是生产队帮助扎舞台,既给群众添麻烦,又浪费了人力和物料。我们算过一笔账:演一场戏要借二十根杆子、二十条绳子、七八领席箔。全团分成两个队,一年在农村演出近五百场戏,先后就需要借用上万根杆子、上万条绳子,还要动用生产队的劳动力。真是不算不知道,一算吓一跳。我们剧团要在农村扎根,为农民服务一辈子,这个问题不解决,怎么能行呢?带着这个问题,我们再次学习了《为人民服务》这篇文章,并发动全体演员以完全、彻 We are a troupe who performs all year round in the country. In the past, each one to perform, are the production team to help tie the stage, both to the masses more trouble, but also a waste of manpower and materials. We have an account: play a play to borrow twenty poles, twenty ropes, seven or seven leading foil. The whole regiment is divided into two teams. In a year, nearly 500 performances are staged in the countryside. It has to borrow tens of thousands of poles, tens of thousands of ropes, and use the production team’s workforce. Really do not know do not know, a count of frightened. With the troupe, we must take root in the rural areas and serve the peasants for a lifetime. If this problem can not be solved, we can learn from this article once again that we should serve the people and mobilize all the actors to completely
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在日常生活中,一些语音相近或字形、意义相近的词经常被用错。这种情况在各类书刊中也时有所见。本文试对几例容易混淆的词加以辨析,以供同行们参考。 1.“启事”与“启示”