雅俗共赏 老少咸宜——介绍彩色科教影片《玩具》

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玩具是孩子们的伴侣,也是孩子们的启蒙“老师”。因为,玩具不仅好玩,还能给人以启示,给人以知识,是一种生动的儿童教科书。一九七九年是国际儿童年,上海科教电影制片厂为国际儿童年摄制的彩色科教片《玩具》,是一部以少年儿童为主要对象的科普影片,但它又不同于一般技术推广、科学研 Toys are children’s companion, but also children’s enlightenment “teacher.” Because toys are not only fun, but also give people enlightenment, giving people knowledge, is a vivid children’s textbook. 1979 is International Year of the Child. Shanghai Science and Education Film Studio is a colorful science and educational film “Toys” produced by the International Year of the Child. It is a popular science film mainly targeted on children and adolescents, but it is different from general technology promotion. Scientific research
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