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在日常生活中,一些语音相近或字形、意义相近的词经常被用错。这种情况在各类书刊中也时有所见。本文试对几例容易混淆的词加以辨析,以供同行们参考。 1.“启事”与“启示”这是一对同音异义词。由于构成的词素含义不同,所以使用时的词义内涵也就不同。“启事”的“启”与“事”两个词素之间构成的是一种支配关系。“启”指陈述,“事”指事情。它们合二而一固定搭配后,多用于为了公开声明某事而登在报刊或贴在墙壁上的文字名称,通 In everyday life, some words with similar or similar phonetic meanings are often used incorrectly. This situation is also seen in various books and periodicals. This article tries to distinguish several easily confused words, for colleagues for reference. 1. “Revelation” and “Revelation” This is a pair of homonyms. As the composition of the morpheme meaning is different, so the use of the meaning of meaning is different. There is a dominating relationship between the two morphemes of “Kai” and “Shi” in “Kai Tui”. “Kai” refers to the statement, “things” refers to things. When they are combined and fixed, they are often used in the name of a newspaper or a wall sticker affixed to publicize something
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