
来源 :青海医药杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:orc2008
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目的:了解我院麻风患者及家属在健康教育前、后对麻风防治知识的知晓程度,评估健康教育效果,确保确诊患者得到规则治疗并完成疗程,预防畸残的发生。方法:选取我院麻风患者及家属60人为观察对象,采取多种形式的健康教育,并对干预结果进行统计分析。结果:被调查者在健康教育前对麻风基本知识的知晓程度除传染性外均在40%以下,健康教育后比健康教育前麻风病知识知晓率有一定的提高,对麻风病的恐惧心理和歧视有所减轻,觉得麻风病和麻风患者不可怕的由教育前的30%上升到健康教育后的65%(P<0.01),对于麻风医疗护理服务的需求主要为残疾后遗症的处理服务、协助康复、获取普通医疗服务。结论:护理健康教育可以很大程度的提高患者及家属对麻风基本知识的认识程度,提高患者的治疗效果,值得临床推广应用。 OBJECTIVE: To understand the level of awareness of leprosy prevention and control before and after health education in leprosy patients and their families in our hospital, evaluate the effect of health education, and ensure that the patients diagnosed will receive regular treatment and complete the course of treatment to prevent the occurrence of disability. Methods: 60 leprosy patients and their relatives in our hospital were selected as observation subjects, and various forms of health education were taken, and the results of intervention were statistically analyzed. Results: The respondents knew about the basic knowledge of leprosy less than 40% except for contagious before health education. After the health education, the awareness rate of leprosy knowledge before health education improved to a certain extent, the fear of leprosy and Discrimination has been alleviated and the non-horrifying leprosy and leprosy patients have risen from 30% pre-education to 65% post-health education (P <0.01). The demand for leprosy medical care services has mainly been handling disability sequelae, assisting Rehabilitation, access to general medical services. Conclusion: Nursing health education can greatly improve the awareness of patients and their families on the basic knowledge of leprosy and improve the therapeutic effect of patients, which is worthy of clinical application.
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湖南省 1996年湖南省城市规划学会,开展了多种形式的学术活动。①举办了学术报告会。报告的内容有:“谈巴黎规划建设观感”、“城市化若干问题及规划改革的问题”、“关于我
日前,湖南省人民政府批准了郴州市城市总体规划方案(1995-2015) 批复确定郴州市是湖南省南部的门户和历史文化名城,是以有色金属、建材、轻化工业为主导,商贸和旅游业发达的
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