Modern-style Subduction Processes in the Archean:Evidence from the Shangyi Complex in North China Cr

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ethel_baby
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Three fragments of the Archean oceanic crust have been found between the Archean granulite belt and the Paleo-Proterozoic Hongqiyingzi group in North China craton,which spread along the Shangyi-Chicheng ancient fault.This paper presents integrated field,petrology,geochemistry and geochronology evidence of the ancient oceanic fragments.The magma crystallizing age of the tonalite in the Shangyi complex is 2512±19 Ma and the geochemical characteristics suggest that the Nb-enriched basalts may be related to crustal contamination and formed in the intra-oceanic arc of the supra subduction zone setting. Three fragments of the Archean oceanic crust have been found between the Archean granulite belt and the Paleo-Proterozoic Hongqiyingzi group in North China craton, which spread along the Shangyi-Chicheng ancient fault. This paper presents integrated field, petrology, geochemistry and geochronology evidence of the ancient oceanic fragments. The magma crystallizing age of the tonalite in the Shangyi complex is 2512 ± 19 Ma and the geochemical characteristics suggest that the Nb-enriched basalts may be related to crustal contamination and formed in the intra-oceanic arc of the supra subduction zone setting.
患儿,女性,3岁.因大便形状变扁4个月、排尿困难1 d急诊入院.查体:下腹膨隆,未见胃肠型及蠕动波,肝脾肋下未触及,肝肾区无叩击痛,移动性浊音(-),肠鸣音正常.超声显示:膀胱充盈饱满,壁连续规则、不厚,腔内透声可.于骶尾骨前方测及一团状低回声,大小约9.2 cm×7.3 cm(图1),边界清晰,形态欠规则,周边可见包膜样较强回声带,其前上方为充盈的膀胱,左后方为直肠回声,团块内回声不均匀.彩色多
Neurofibromatosis 1 (NF1) is a frequent genetic disease. Diagnostic criterias were established in 1988. The patients can exhibit various and unpredictable compl
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患者女,42岁,因"便血1年余,加重伴粪便形状改变1周"人院.患者无明显诱因出现便血,色鲜红,无黏液脓血便,无恶心、呕吐,无反酸、嗳气、呕血,无腹痛、腹胀及腹泻,无里急后重,无发热、乏力,病情反复发作1年余,未行诊治.人院前1周,患者便血加重,大便形状改变,呈细条状.结肠镜检示:直肠息肉.直肠指检:肛门括约肌收缩功能良好,距肛门约7 cm(12点)处可扪及肿物,2 cm×2 cm,活动度不大,质软
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