Symbiotic Relationship of Modern Contract and Traditional Ethic: Entrepreneur's Zhongyong Ratio

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What is the relationship between Chinese familism and the modern economic organization? Can a rational,contractual relationship grow out of Chinese familism that widely exists in Chinese family businesses? This paper holds that Chinese familism can nurture a rational and contractual relationship.However,such a relationship is not an extremely instrumental rationality of Logocentrism,but a zhongyong rationality charactersfic of Confucian culture essence.This paper verifies empirically for the first time the existence of zhongyong rationality by analyzing family entrepreneurs' governance choices.The results reveal that under the guidance of zhongyong rationality,entrepreneurs in Chinese family fnrms lay more emphasis on restraints than on efficiency,balance the interests among the management,the firm and the owning family,and maintain equilibrium between the insiders and outsiders.This research also finds that a shift from instrumental rationality to zhongyong rationality can provide more satisfactory and indigenous explanations to some phenomena widely in existence among Chinese family firrns,as compared with corresponding Western theories.
Nutrition labeling has been accepted by Chinese consumers as an information source to learn about food quality and safety.This paper uses Chinese consumers' ric
“精心、精细、精彩”是陈经纶中学帝景分校“实施精致教学”的核心。“精心”反应的是态度与品质;“精细”体现的是方法与过程;“精彩”呈现的是亮点与特色。“七环节有效教学模式”体现了帝景分校“关注差异、关注过程、关注细节、关注个体生命成长的原则与态度,更体现陈经纶中学对卓越教育品质的追求。  经过5年的探索,我校形成了贯穿一日、一周、一月、一学期的“七环节有效教学模式”。  1.构建管理体系——实施精细
我们认为,在不同的孩子眼里,课业负担的含义是不同的。对于立志于学习的人来说,学习是兴趣、是乐趣,在乐学中就忘记负担;而对于有些学生来说,由于各种原因,学习不是他的兴趣点,就成为了负担。因此,减负的关键是帮助学生开启智慧之门,使学生变厌学为乐学,变学会为会学,变被动学为主动学。  国子监中学是一所“不选择学生”的初中校。学生来源全部是电脑派位,其中约40%的学生为来京务工人员子女。我校减负的思路是提
【摘要】随着经济的发展,让我国建筑工程的规模越来越大,同时由于资源得到了大量的开发,使得资源的利用率得到了显著的提高,不过和发达国家的建筑工程还是存在一定的差距。而想要进一步加强我国的建筑工程水平,那么最好结合BIM技术,其作用在于可以加强工程造价管理的效果,让工程得到充足的提升空间,从而就会使建筑企业获得理想的经济收益。  【关键词】BIM技术;工程造价;建筑工程;运用  由于时代的发展,互联网
The transformation of China into an innovation-oriented nation is now topping the agenda of Chinese govment.Technological innovation is seen at the heart of thi
学业负担问题不是一个简单的问题,想要标本兼治,学校方面必须处理好一些基本问题。  1.处理好提高学业成就和全面发展的关系  促进学生全面健康地发展,我们是责无旁贷的。学生发展的整体性是学生成长的重要规律,学生全面素质的提高是学生成长的真正内涵。在学生成长过程中,各方面的素质是相互作用的,我们要充分挖掘学生的学习潜能,高度重视学生的非智力因素。  不断提高学生的学业水平,这也是我们责无旁贷的。成就学