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驰名中外的艺术宝库莫高窟,位于古丝绸之路的咽喉要道——甘肃河西走廊最西端,敦煌县城东南五十七公里的鸣沙山下。它不仅以无数宏伟绚丽、浩如烟海的壁画、栩栩如生的彩塑吸引着世界各地的学者、游人,而且还是一颗绿色的明珠,镶嵌在碧天黄沙之中。和千里戈壁、无垠沙海相比,更显出绿色植物在改造自然、征服荒漠方面的伟大功绩。在莫高窟有三种乔木树种最值得引起重视。 Mogao Grottoes, a famous art treasure house home and abroad, is located at the most important point of the ancient Silk Road - the most western end of the Hexi Corridor in Gansu Province and under the Mingsha Mountain, 57 kilometers southeast of Dunhuang County. It not only with countless magnificent, vast murals, lifelike colorful plastic attracts scholars and tourists from around the world, but also a green pearl, embedded in the blue sky sand. And Qianli Gobi, the vast expanse of the sand, even more shows green plants in the transformation of nature, the great conquest of desertification. There are three tree species in Mogao Grottoes the most worthy of attention.
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美国《现代轮胎经销商》(www.moderntiredealer.com)2012年10月7日报道:Scorpion冬季轮胎(如图1所示)的设计采用了最新的牵引力控制系统和ABS系统。 The United States “mo
The results of crystallographic analyses on 1:1 and 1:4 well-defined co-crystals formed between glycine anhydride and each of 4-hydroxybenzoic acid and 3,5-dihy
No.1A New scheme for Compr。henslve Phytical Reglonali。an。。Ch。a··,……………Zhao So。g-qtao(10)Studies on the LazldformDevelopmentand on出ernaryGlaclaLlon