
来源 :国外医学.输血及血液学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:beemoon
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1976年作者在46例再生障碍性贫血的研究中曾指出再障病人患病初期造血功能障碍的程度与预后有关。目前对于再障严重度的标准,尚无一致意见。为进一步探讨再障严重度与预后的关系,提出适当的分类指征,本文对以往25年间治疗的169例再障进行了分析。169例中男77例,女92例,发病年龄以30岁前后及50几岁者居多。115例原发性再障,28例继发性再障,5例肝炎后再障,21例分类不明。根据生存期的长短将它们分为三组:(1)短期死亡组(患病6个月以内死亡者)46例;(2)中期死亡组(6个月至5年以内死亡者)33例,(3)存活组(生存期在5年以上者)58例。对于生存不到5年,而最后生存时间尚不能确定者不计在内,故合计为137例。比较各组病人之间初诊时周围血和骨髓各项检查结果的平均值。结果表明,网织红细胞数、中性粒细胞数以及骨髓造血细胞百分率三项指标有很显著的统计学差异(P<0.01至P<0.001),血小板数在短期死亡组加中期死亡组与存活组之间有显著的统计学差异(P<0.05)。 In a study of 46 patients with aplastic anemia in 1976, the authors pointed out that the degree of hematopoietic dysfunction in the early stage of aplastic anemia is related to the prognosis. At present there is no consensus on the criteria for the severity of aplastic anemia. In order to further explore the relationship between the severity of aplastic anemia and prognosis, put forward appropriate classification indications, this article in the past 25 years of treatment of 169 cases of aplasia were analyzed. There were 77 males and 92 females in 169 cases, with the majority of onset age being around 30 years old and 50 years old. 115 cases of primary aplastic anemia, 28 cases of secondary aplastic anemia, 5 cases of aplastic anemia, 21 cases of unknown classification. They were divided into three groups according to the duration of their survival: (1) 46 cases of short-term death (within 6 months of illness); (2) 33 cases of medium-term death (6 months to 5 years of death) , (3) Survival group (survival of more than 5 years) 58 cases. For less than 5 years to survive, but the final survival time can not be determined are not included, so a total of 137 cases. Compare the average value of the results of various tests of peripheral blood and bone marrow in newly diagnosed patients. The results showed that there were significant statistical differences in reticulocyte count, neutrophil count and bone marrow hematopoietic cell percentage (P <0.01 to P <0.001). The number of platelets in the short-term death group plus the medium-term death group and survival There was a significant statistical difference between groups (P <0.05).
基于1982~2011年第三代GIMMS NDVI数据,利用累计NDVI的Logistic曲线曲率极值法、Logistic曲线曲率变化率法和NDVI变化率法等方法,识别了蒙古高原植被生长季开始日期(Start of Growing Season,SOS)、生长季结束日期(End of Growing Season,EOS)和生长季长度(Length of Growing Season,LOS)等物
目的了解泉州市丰泽区饮食业餐具卫生状况,为卫生监管提供依据。方法根据GB 14934-1994《食(饮)具消毒卫生标准》对辖区内不同性质的餐饮业餐具消毒效果进行卫生监测及评价。