Spontaneous elimination of hepatitis C virus infection: A retrospective study on demographic, clinic

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pomerku
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AIM: To fi nd correlates to spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, this study compared individuals with self-limited and chronic infection with regard to clinical, demographic, and serological pa-rameters. METHODS: Sixty-seven anti-HCV positive and repeatedly HCV RNA negative individuals were considered to have resolved HCV infection spontaneously. To determine the viral genotype these patients had been infected with HCV serotyping was performed. For comparison reasons, 62 consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis C were enrolled. Cases and controls were compared stratifi ed for age and sex. RESULTS: Retrospective analysis showed (1) a lower humoral reactivity to HCV in patients with self-limited compared to chronic HCV-infection and (2) that younger age, history of iv drug use, and acute/post-acute hepatitis A or B co-infections, but not viral genotypes, are independent correlates for spontaneous HCV clearance. CONCLUSION: The stronger humoral reactivity to HCV in patients with persistent infections and in those with a history of iv drug use is supposed to be due to continuous or repeated contact(s) to the antigen. Metachronous hepatitis A or hepatitis B infections might favor HCV clearance. AIM: To fi nd correlates to spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, this study compared individuals with self-limited and chronic infection with regard to clinical, demographic, and serological pa-rameters. METHODS: Sixty-seven anti-HCV positive and repeatedly HCV RNA negative individuals were considered to have resolved HCV infection spontaneously. To determine the viral genotype these patients had been infected with HCV serotyping was performed. For comparison reasons, 62 consecutive patients with chronic hepatitis C were enrolled. Cases and controls were compared stratifi ed for age and sex. RESULTS: Retrospective analysis showed (1) a lower humoral reactivity to HCV in patients with self-limited compared to chronic HCV-infection and (2) that younger age, history of iv drug use, and acute / post-acute hepatitis A or B co-infections, but not viral genotypes, are independent correlates for spontaneous HCV clearance. CONCLUSION: The stronger humoral reactivity to HCV in patients with persistent infections and in those with a history of iv drug use is supposed to be due due to continuous or repeated contact (s) to the antigen. Metachronous hepatitis A or hepatitis B infections might favor HCV clearance.
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近20年来教育事业取得了辉煌成就,有目共睹,举世罕匹。然而,一种似是而非的输赢观,正在导致事态走向自己的反面。“不能输在起跑线上”,牵动了神州天下的父母心。千千万万家庭为之付出沉重代价。天真稚气的孩子们无奈听凭摆布,除了吃睡,不容余暇,失去了童年的欢乐,承受着不堪的压力和摧残,沦为畸态潮流下的牺牲品,身心疲惫、兴味索然。  “唯人,万物之灵。”人类的生存竞争,不是稍纵即逝的百米短跑,而是一场充满艰
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一般孩子发脾气的行为:尖叫、踢人、打人、重击头部、摔东西、哭闹、地上打滚等。  一般父母亲的应付方式:“孩子发火时,别去理睬他”、“打一顿,不打会更坏”、“他要,就给他,哄住了就好”。  孩子发脾气是指一些孩子不会控制自我的怒气和沮丧的行为。这常见于两岁大的孩子。有些两岁前就开始,一直到进小学。  心理学家发现,婴儿出生后三个月就有愤怒的情绪,之后,如果经常有事情惹怒他,他就很容易学会以愤怒来换取
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