简单有效,让婚礼照片更完美 室内篇

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婚礼拍摄现场很大一部份是在室内,这些场合环境灯光昏暗,人员众多,画面效果很难保障。简单有效处理婚礼现场照需要后期上打开思路,这里为大家介绍几种简单有效的方法,轻松搞定婚礼现场。一、暗场景照片的处理,使照片更温馨、浪漫照片处理的关键一是改变地板黑沉的面貌,二是强化吊灯的光效,使画面充满温馨浪漫感。该片在酒店中婚礼进行时拍摄,新人即将走向红毯彼端,场面温馨浪漫,只是现场灯光很暗,只有一个追光灯做为主光源,画面整体为黑色,画面的氛围就差了很多,因此,处理该图的暗部尤为重要。具体操作如下: A large part of the wedding shooting scene is indoors, these occasions dim ambient light, many staff, the screen effect is difficult to guarantee. Simple and effective treatment of the wedding scene according to the need to open the idea later, here for you to introduce several simple and effective method, easy to get the wedding scene. First, dark scenes photo processing, so that photos are more warm, the key to romantic photo processing is to change the dark floor of the floor, and second, to enhance the chandelier light effect, the picture is full of warm and romantic sense. The film is shot in the hotel during the wedding, the couple is about to go to the other side of the red carpet, the scene warm and romantic, but the scene light is very dark, only one chasing light as the main light source, the overall picture is black, the picture atmosphere is a lot worse Therefore, dealing with the dark part of the figure is particularly important. Specific operations are as follows:
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