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据有关部门统计,目前全国已注册的电子商务网站有1100多家,涉及石油和化工业务的专业电子商务网站有几十家。这是7月8日在北京举行的中国石油和化工电子商务高层研讨会暨中化贸易网开通仪式上透露的。会议就我国石油和化工电子商务的发展现状、存在问题和未来走势等进行了研讨。据国家石化工业局党组成员、中纪委驻国家石化局纪检组组长阎家铭介绍,石油和化学工业是我国的支柱产业,行业多、门类全,有4万多种产品。中国的石油、石化和化工产业在中国国民经济中大约占1/5的比重,是国内经济效益最好的行业之一。今年又提前半年完成了全年的利润指标。去年,全国石油、石化和化工产品进出口贸易额近400亿美元,在世界化工产品贸易中也占有相当比重。在未来几年,化工类电子商务将在全球电子商务中名列前茅。到2003年,全球将有超过1万亿美元的化工商品在网上交易。而目前 According to statistics from relevant departments, there are currently over 1,100 e-commerce websites registered in the country and there are dozens of professional e-commerce websites involved in petroleum and chemical business. This is revealed on July 8 at the China Petroleum and Chemical E-Commerce High-level Seminar cum Sinotrans Network Opening Ceremony held in Beijing. The conference discussed the development status, existing problems and future trends of China’s oil and chemical e-commerce. According to Yan Jiaming, member of the Party Group of the State Petrochemical Industry Bureau and head of the Discipline Inspection Team of the State Commission for Discipline Inspection in the State Bureau of Petrochemical Industry, the petroleum and chemical industry is the pillar industry in China. There are many industries and various categories with more than 40,000 kinds of products. China’s oil, petrochemical and chemical industries account for about one-fifth of China’s national economy, making it one of the best-performing industries in the country. This year completed six months in advance of the annual profit target. Last year, the import and export volume of the country’s petroleum, petrochemical and chemical products nearly reached 40 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for a significant share of world trade in chemical products. In the next few years, chemical-based e-commerce will be among the best in global e-commerce. By 2003, more than 1 trillion U.S. dollars of chemical products will be traded online. And now
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