From a Farm Boy to Poet Diplomat

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  On May 4th, 2009, the 90th anniversary of the May 4th Movement, Li Zhaoxing gave a lecture on his diplomatic career at Zhijiang Hotel in Hangzhou. Nearly 1,000 youngsters from middle schools, colleges and other social organizations attended the event. The 69-year-old Li, former foreign minister and chairperson of the Diplomatic Commission of the NPC Standing Committee and honorary president of China People’s Diplomatic Association, grew up from a farm boy to a prominent diplomat.
  Li Zhaoxing was born into a farmer’s family in October 1940 in Jiaonan County in eastern China’s coastal Shandong Province. With a desire to be a poet, Li chose first to study the Chinese language and literature in Beijing University, but he was enrolled by the Western Languages Department. For five years, he worked very hard to be proficient in English. In August, 1964, he was recruited by the Foreign Ministry. The first assignment he got was a three-year advanced interpretation and translation course at the Beijing Foreign Languages Institute, the predecessor of present-day Beijing Foreign Affairs University. He became highly proficient in the language.
  Started in 1970, he spent seven years in Kenya as a Chinese diplomat. The experienced opened his eyes to diplomacy and inspired his passion. He was transferred back to the ministry in 1977. After working as a deputy departmental head at the press division at the ministry, he went to Africa again. Two years later, he came back to the press division and was promoted. It was during this time, his diplomatic repartees at press conferences became legendary. He soon worked as a spokesperson for the ministry. In 1990 he was appointed an assistant to the foreign minister. In 1993, he was appointed Chinese ambassador to the UN and in 1995 he became vice foreign minister. Three years later he was Chinese Ambassador to USA. In 2001 he came back to Beijing and became vice foreign minister again. In 2003 he was foreign minister. In 2008 the 68-year-old diplomat retired.
  During his nearly 40-year career as a diplomat, Li accompanied top Chinese leaders to visit foreign countries and he visited more than 110 countries and regions.
  And his dream of becoming a poet has never faded. While working in Lesotho in 1984, Li wrote a collection of lyrical essays about Kenya, a book of his seven years in the African country. He has published two collections of poetry.
  In 2004, he was awarded a Medal of President Honor by Chilean Ambassador to China on the behalf of Chilean President on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the Chilean Poet Pablo Neruda. For a while, Li was known as a Poet Foreign Minister.
  Commenting Li Zhaoxing as both a diplomat and poet, vice president of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles Feng Jicai observes: Diplomats should rejoice over the fact that one of them is a poet who brilliantly reveals the unique life of diplomats to the world. On the other hand, poets should celebrate the fact that one of them is a diplomat who ventures into a noble and enchanting horizon.□
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龙是中国的象征,关于它的传说,一直可以追溯到公元前2500年的夏朝。  相比之下,中国民间的舞龙风俗源于何时何地,传说的版本缤纷呈现。最近,一个新的版本在网上盛传:中国舞龙的发源地在金华磐安。记者立即跟着香港的阳光卫视摄制组匆匆赶到了磐安,探寻这个现实中的民间传说。    版本来自台湾的一本书    磐安县玉山镇党委书记孔令维告诉记者,中国舞龙的发源地在金华的这个版本,早在10年前,就在我国台湾宝
2009年5月24日晚7点,上海。复旦大学逸夫科技楼内,灯火通明,高朋满座。  台下,是复旦大学的博学鸿儒、莘莘学子,以及来自各地的资深“张爱玲迷”。  台上,是主持校订《张爱玲全集》的内地散文家止庵,以及香港资深文艺评论学者马家辉。  他们讨论的只有一个话题:张爱玲的遗作、一出版便引发文化界热议的《小团圆》。  止庵说:“《小团圆》是一部情感小说,一部心理小说,是张爱玲对自己一生中的各种感情,包
传统的民俗文化是民族先人创造的历史实录,是民族凝聚力、认同感和民族精神的体现,也是民族价值观和审美理想的反映。  温州宁村“七月十五汤和文化节”相继入选市级、省级、国家级“非物质文化遗产”名录,现正筹备申报联合国教科文组织的“世界非物质文化遗产”名录。宁村先后被评为区、市、省级科普示范村。2008年宁村被浙江省委宣传部授予“浙江省文化建设示范点”称号。宁村,正以汤和文化为核心,打出三张金名片,展示
At the China Arts and Crafts Exhibition that lasted from January 10 to February 10, 2009 in Beijing-based China Art Gallery, Children are the Teacher’s Life, a boxwood carving by Zhejiang artist Zheng
我驻美首任大使柴泽民回忆中美建交往事­­­——    国家主席胡锦涛1月12日下午会见出席中美建交30周年纪念活动的美国前总统卡特时,积极评价中美关系30年来取得的丰硕成果和长足发展,对两国政府和各界有识之士,为增进两国人民友谊,促进中美关系改善与发展作出的努力和贡献表示高度赞赏。  卡特,邓小平称之为“中国人民的老朋友”,尽管85岁高龄,但精神矍铄,思路十分清晰。“中美建
2009年4月下旬,笔者在合肥应约采访回国探亲的赵丽时,怎么也没想到,眼前这位年纪轻轻的“邻家小妹”,竟是家产千万的“欧洲农场主”。据说她生产的有机蔬菜行销德国、比利时和卢森堡等地。出国前她是一家大公司的白领,为何千里迢迢跑到国外当农民?德国“庄主”的生活到底怎样?    公司白领到欧洲当农民  赵丽出生在合肥市一个知识分子家庭。2003年夏天从复旦大学毕业后,她留在上海一家经营医疗器械的大公司做
我在卢旺达期间,结识了一位当地的姑娘,名叫卡娅斯。十月的一天,卡娅斯邀请我参加她姐姐卡西斯的婚礼,我正想了解当地人的一些风俗,便一口答应了。卡娅斯没想到我这个外国人会欣然答应,高兴得手舞足蹈起来。然后我们约好星期天的早上,我在住处的大门口等她来接我一同前往。  星期天一大早,我按中国人的风俗用红纸包了礼金,并用简单的卢文附了祝词。当我来到大门口时,她果然站在那里,看得出她等了很长时间。在路上从她的
美国华侨史研究泰斗离世  美国太平洋时间2009年5月21日,著名华裔历史学家麦礼谦教授因病在其旧金山寓所与世长辞,享年84岁。 与他相伴半世纪多并一直陪侍在病榻的太太张玉英透露,先生的身后事一切从简,其生前友好于6月20日为他举行了追思纪念仪式。  麦礼谦与死神搏斗已近两年。  身为海外华侨史料的热心收集者,麦先生临终前一天仍然心系华侨华人史研究,嘱咐麦太太为他带去1939年旧金山华侨集资建设的