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《中华人民共和国民事诉讼法》自去年4月9日分布实施以来,各级人民法院采取各种形式,积极组织广大干警认真学习,并在审判实践中切实贯彻执行。从总体上看,贯彻执行的情况是好的,办案质量和办案效率都有显著提高,但不能说与民事诉讼法的要求完全适应了。其中有观念更新的问题,有加深对民事诉讼法中新增加的和新修改、补充的条文的理解问题,且随着最高人民法院《关于贯彻执行<中华人民共和国民事诉讼法>若干问题的意见》的下发适用,还将会出现一些新情况、新问题,这些都需要广大读者特别是法院干警,结合审判实践不断加强学习和研究,及时总结交流经验,以进一步拓宽视野,增强执法意识,提高执法水平和办案能力。基此,本期发表了最高人民法院民事审判庭庭长梁书文的专题文章《严格贯彻执行民事诉讼法》,并选登了两篇经验介绍文章,供读者学习、参考和借鉴,以便促进和推动民事诉讼法的深入贯彻执行。 Since the People’s Republic of China Civil Procedure Law was distributed and implemented on April 9 last year, the people’s courts at various levels have taken various forms and actively organized the broad masses of cadres and policemen to conscientiously study and implement them in trial practice. Overall, the implementation of the situation is good, the quality of handling cases and the efficiency of handling cases have significantly improved, but can not be said that the requirements of the Civil Procedure Law fully adapted. Among them, the concept of renewal has some problems, such as deepening the understanding of newly added and newly amended and supplemented provisions in the Code of Civil Procedure, and with the Supreme People’s Court’s Opinions on Several Issues Concerning the Implementation of the Civil Procedure Law of the People’s Republic of China “, Some new situations and new problems will also emerge which will require a large number of readers, especially the court officers and clerks, to continuously study and study in combination with trial practice, summarize and exchange experience in a timely manner so as to further broaden their horizons and enhance their awareness of law enforcement, Improve the level of law enforcement and handling capacity. Based on this, the current issue of Supreme Court civil trial court President Liang Shuwen’s monograph ”strict implementation of the Code of Civil Procedure," and voted for two articles of experience introduction, for readers to learn, reference and reference in order to promote and promote The Civil Procedure Law is thoroughly implemented.
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老韩是我一个结交了十多年的朋友。四十岁那年,我和老韩喝了一次大酒,老韩和我热烈拥抱:“兄弟啊,我看好了一块风水宝地,那应该是埋皇帝的地儿,我和一个农民说好了,五千块钱买下来,将来就作为我们兄弟俩的墓地。”我大为感动,与朋友交往到这样的程度,死了还在地底下唠嗑,夫复何求。不久,我和老韩去看了那块地,确实好风水,前面一条汪汪的河,后面一座苍翠的山。  四十二岁那年,我和老韩的友谊宣布彻底破裂。有一天和
1992年6月14日至17日,四川省岳池县城关数万群众沉浸在巨大的感情涡流中。关注和议论,等待和期盼,疑虑和兴奋,一齐汇聚到县人民法院公开审理刘显合非法拘禁案审判庭。 From
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多年来,宜兴市人民法院切实加强廉政建设,把防腐倡廉作为提高审判队伍素质的一项重要内容常抓不懈,取得了较好的成绩,保障了法院各项审判工作的全面完成。 “桩”与“篱笆”
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