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随着审判工作的日益科学化、规范化,作为一项诉讼行为的法医学鉴定,在审判活动中所显示的积极作用日渐得到社会的广泛肯定。特别是二审程序中的法医学活体损伤再鉴定的结论,为二审事实的认定和终审的改判提供了科学的依据。现就三例以资说明。例一,徐××,女,35岁,因邻里纠纷被一孕妇打伤。在地方医院作尿常规检验呈“血尿”,故诊断为“肾挫伤”。原法医仅就此鉴定其为“轻伤”。一审法院即以“故意伤害罪”判处被告人有 With the increasingly scientific and standardized trial work, the positive role of forensic science as a litigation act has been widely recognized by the society. In particular, the conclusion of the re-identification of forensic living injuries in the second instance procedure provides a scientific basis for the determination of the second instance facts and the final adjudication. Now three cases to explain. Example One, Xu × ×, female, 35 years old, was injured by a pregnant woman because of a neighborhood dispute. Urine routine tests in local hospitals were “hematuria”, so the diagnosis of “kidney contusion.” The original forensic only identified as “minor injuries.” The court of first instance sentenced the defendant to “intentional assault”
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老韩是我一个结交了十多年的朋友。四十岁那年,我和老韩喝了一次大酒,老韩和我热烈拥抱:“兄弟啊,我看好了一块风水宝地,那应该是埋皇帝的地儿,我和一个农民说好了,五千块钱买下来,将来就作为我们兄弟俩的墓地。”我大为感动,与朋友交往到这样的程度,死了还在地底下唠嗑,夫复何求。不久,我和老韩去看了那块地,确实好风水,前面一条汪汪的河,后面一座苍翠的山。  四十二岁那年,我和老韩的友谊宣布彻底破裂。有一天和
1992年6月14日至17日,四川省岳池县城关数万群众沉浸在巨大的感情涡流中。关注和议论,等待和期盼,疑虑和兴奋,一齐汇聚到县人民法院公开审理刘显合非法拘禁案审判庭。 From
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