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  “It’s hard to be a household name in a nation with 1.4 billion people,but that’s what Li Na is.”
  “While I’ve come back from surgery in the past,this time it felt different.As hard as I tried to get back to being 100%,my body kept telling me that,at 32,I will not be able to compete at the top level ever again.”——Li Na
  Host: When Li Na won the Australian Open in January,next up was challenging Serena Williams for the world No.1 ranking.Eight months later,Li is gone,recurring knee injuries forcing her retirement too early at 32.
  There can ben ounderestimating her enormous and unlikely effect on tennis.Like 1)Wayne Gretsky,her success opened up a region,the financially 2)lucrative Asian market,a generation of Chinese girls inspired by her 2011 French Open victory.The result is that,in an upset,tennis is the fastest-growing sport in Asia,and she became a legend.Two 3)Grand Slam titles,the second-highest paid female athlete in the world,four years running at roughly $40million annually,she is still the only Asian,male or female,to win a major.

  Reporter: She isn’t the flashiest player,or person,but Li Na is an icon.Some might even call her “a pioneer”in China.And one of the most intriguing things about the two-time Grand Slam champ is how she achieved success.
  For more on this story,let’s bring in senior writer Howard Bryant.So she really is doing it all,I mean on the court,she performs,off the court,she’s really been smart about 4)capitalizing on her tennis success.You mentioned how she’s worth at least$40 million dollars in sponsor…sponsorships.Last year she was on the cover of Time magazine.They named her as one of the top 100 most influential people in the world.So,in that context,what kind of impact has she had on the game?   Howard: Well,I think the biggest impact she’s had on the game is...I think it’s more proof of what’s possible; I always likened to,you know,what she’s doing over there in terms of the long term,to what had happened here,whether you’re talking about hockey with 5)Bobby Orr,back in the late,late 60s and the early 70s.He single-handedly changed how hockey was viewed in 6)New England,and now hockey is obviously a huge sport in New England,whether it’s at the youth level or at the pro level.The 7)WTA has their yearend championships in Asia now.That doesn’t happen without Li Na.It doesn’t mean that the…the number of WTA events that have taken place,we’re talking millions and millions of dollars,and that is…is squarely on the fact that she’s won two majors,and they’ve got such an
  incredible state-run program,all comes from the fact that she made it possible.She showed you what was possible through her success.
  Reporter: That’s a really good point.So what kind of example does she set not only for girls and young girls in China,but throughout the world?
  Howard: Well,I think she sets two examples.I think the first example is,whether you’re an athlete,or whether you’re a journalist,or whether you’re an accountant,at some point in your life you have to bet on yourself.At some point you have to believe in your talent.That’s the key to just about everything,because,if you’re not a believer,then it’s impossible for anybody else to really have a huge amount of belief in you,if you’re not your own biggest advocate.I think that’s the…the first example,is to really believe in yourself.
  Then the second example,too,is that,if you do,and if you do succeed,to understand,one,the responsibility that comes with it,and,two,the 8)leverage that…that you can open up your brain,you can think about the possibilities in ways,or think about possibilities in ways that you probably never did before.I think that there’s also a negative that comes with it,too,and I think that the negative is to care enough about yourself and be sober enough to understand when the pressure’s starting to get to you,as…as Li Na did,by backing away and going to college,and recognizing that,“Hey,you know what? This is too much for me.” It’s a…it’s a wonderful story in so many ways,but in a lot of ways it’s also somewhat chilling,because you see all the pressure that’s placed on one individual.

最近,网上流传着这样一则新闻:一位满头银发,拄着拐杖的老奶奶开始了她的环球旅行。她很喜欢旅游,一直想走出去看看这个世界,但无奈丈夫是个“宅男”。丈夫去世以后,她觉得是时候完成自己的心愿了。看完这篇报道,我既为老人的精神所震撼,又为这个故事所感动。人在生活面前常常需要妥协,但妥协不意味着放弃,我们总希望能在有限的生命里做自己最想做的事情,满足内心的渴望。  跟随自己的心,才不会为日后留下遗憾,但这并
Host: The question was, what sort of attributes do you look for in an organization?  Millennial A: I want flexibility. I did an internship, and it was with 1)SAP, it was last year, and my boss said,“Y
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