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  Paul Ketz (Product Designer): When I’m sitting there and just observing people throw their empty bottles away, and somebody else a few minutes later come and dig it out of the trash bin, I felt a bit sad about that.
  This is Paul Ketz, a 25-year-old product designer in Cologne. He hates seeing the city’s less fortunate have to dig through trash cans to collect bottles for money. It’s not something most people would associate with Germany, where there’s a strong economy and welfare system, but bottle collectors are a common sight here. Paul saw them walking from trash can to trash can searching for plastic or glass bottles, which can be 1)redeemed for a small deposit of between 8 and 25 cents.

  Paul: A lot of people don’t know about the fact that many people are reliant on the deposit of collecting it. Not just homeless, as a lot of people expect.
  So, Paul decided to invent something that would make it easier for empty bottles to get to the people who need them.
  Inside this large, dusty warehouse, he’s putting the finishing touches on his creation. Paul bends over a long wooden table and sparks fly as he works on the yellow metal ring.
  His invention is called the “deposit ring.” It’s a metal circle designed to attach around public trash cans, and the ring has several spaces to hold empty cans and bottles, so beer and soda drinkers will have a place to put their empty containers, and bottle collectors can find them with a bit more dignity, instead of digging through the trash.
  Paul: People who see the idea first time in real life, they, mostly it’s a “2)aha moment,” because it’s so simple and it makes sense.
  And it doesn’t just make sense for collectors. It’s also a matter of public safety. Here in Cologne, like in most German cities, it’s legal to drink beer in public, so, on the weekends, partiers leave glass bottles on the streets, where they can break, or they’re just tossed in the trash. In fact, Paul says €250 million literally went to waste in Germany last year from deposit bottles being thrown away. And that money could make a big difference in the pockets of Germany’s poor.
  Paul began working on the solution two years ago in design school. The deposit ring started as a class project, but he wasn’t sure if it would work in real life, so he set up a test in Cologne last year to find out.

  Paul: So I attached it at a really crowded 3)crossroad, where a lot of people partying in bars around there. It worked so well I couldn’t believe my eyes. The people were using it [as] if it was there forever. Collectors, who were passing by, they didn’t look in the trash bins anymore.
  It worked so well that the City of Cologne wanted 10 deposit rings installed in the city’s club district, even though there was no money to pay for them. Local politician Andreas Poetken found a way by working with local businesses.
  Andreas: Then we said, “OK, if the money is the reason, we, all the clubs here and nearby gave the money.” And [they] said, “OK, give us one.” Paul and I worked a lot at this project. I’m very proud.
  Paul hopes his invention will not only help improve the lives of bottle collectors, but also start a larger discussion about Germany’s invisible lower class.
  Paul: These are no beggars. I think that every single person has to become sensitive.
  Paul says dozens of cities in Germany have now requested their own deposit rings. So small changes in what we do with our empty beer bottles could end up making a big difference.
  Paul: I can change people’s minds in a positive way, and I think this is a really natural beginning of a big change.
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