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  Being disabled does not have to be a disadvantage.That’s the old saying anyway.And some people in Cincinnati want to live up to it.Their group is called May We Help.Handymen,technicians and engineers volunteer to make devices that help people with disabilities do things that others take for granted.
  Bill Sand loves to spend time in his basement.He calls it his “man cave,” but there’s no big screen TV,sound system or beer cooler here.Just power tools and whatever else he needs to build things.This 66-year-old is like a lot of guys who 1)tinker.But here’s where Bill’s a bit different.He designs and builds devices for people with disabilities,and he does it for free.
  Bill: These are gifts that are special,that are lifechanging.
  Here in his home workshop,Bill has made a custom 2)scooter for a little girl who can’t walk,and cello stands for sisters,even though they don’t have arms.Twelve-year-old Inga and 10-year-old Ylena Elena Petry of Pennsylvania play with their feet.Their mom,Jennifer,says the girls used to prop their instruments on pillows on the floor.But that didn’t really work out.
  Jennifer Petry: We needed something to keep the cellos steady.
  Inga Petry: When my mom told me that we were gonna get something so that my cello wouldn’t 3)wobble,I was really happy because I would be able to play it better.
  The Petrys are just one of the families Bill has helped pursue their dreams.He’s made several oneof-a-kind devices for nine-year-old Ireland Reed.She has a rare genetic condition called 4)Miller’s Syndrome.She needs a special walker just to stand.Bill has become a regular visitor to Ireland’s home in suburban Cincinnati.
  Bill: Hello,Amy.
  Amy Reed: Hello,Bill.How are you? Bill: Good.
  Amy: Ireland,it’s Bill.
  Ireland is excited to see Bill,and she rolls over to him on the scooter he made for her.The family calls it her “5)shamrock express.” It’s given her mobility she’d never had before.Ireland’s mom,Amy,calls Bill a godsend.
  珍妮弗·佩特里:我们需要能固定大提琴的东西。英嘉·佩特里:妈妈告诉我,我们会有一个使我的大提琴不会摇晃的东西,我知道后真的很高兴,因为这样我就可以演奏得更好。   比尔曾经帮助过许多家庭追求梦想,佩特里家只不过是其中之一。他还为9岁的艾尔兰·瑞德制作了好几件独一无二的器具,她得了一种名为米勒综合征的罕见遗传病,需要一个特制的助行器才能站起来。艾尔兰家在辛辛那提市郊区,比尔成了这家的常客。

  Amy: It’s like,how do you know? Bill,how do you know what we need when we don’t even know what we need?
  During this visit,Amy says Ireland is having trouble writing with her partially formed hand.Bill 6)crouches so he can watch carefully as the child tries to hold a pencil.He puts his hand gently around hers,thinking about what he can do to help.He brainstorms with Amy about what he might come up with,but says even a simple solution might take five or six tries.
  Bill: See,I’m thinking of something that’ll glide real easy,that her hand is actually sitting on.Kind of like a mouse.
  Amy: We can’t thank him enough.I can’t find the words to really tell
  you how it’s helped us and helped Ireland.
  Bill Sand has done dozens of projects for families like the Reeds and Petrys.
  Bill: I get to be Santa all year round.You know,every time I do a project,it’s like Christmas all over.
  The group May We Help is hoping to expand beyond its roots in the Midwest.They’re talking about setting up a 7)chapter in Florida and hope it will be the start to help millions of children and adults pursue their passions despite their disabilities.

最近,网上流传着这样一则新闻:一位满头银发,拄着拐杖的老奶奶开始了她的环球旅行。她很喜欢旅游,一直想走出去看看这个世界,但无奈丈夫是个“宅男”。丈夫去世以后,她觉得是时候完成自己的心愿了。看完这篇报道,我既为老人的精神所震撼,又为这个故事所感动。人在生活面前常常需要妥协,但妥协不意味着放弃,我们总希望能在有限的生命里做自己最想做的事情,满足内心的渴望。  跟随自己的心,才不会为日后留下遗憾,但这并
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也许是因为当今社会变化太快,父子之间的隔阂似乎比过去更大了。当爹的觉得自己的娃不懂事、不守规矩、叛逆,而娃则认为自己的爹守旧、老套,与现实脱节。父子之间常常有一堵无形的、厚重的墙。有的时候,双方都努力了,但情况似乎未能有所好转。本文作者在过了不惑之年,与父亲阴阳相隔之后才对父亲的精神世界有了一点了解。在父亲节到来之际,这篇文章也许能让我们深思:也许领带、手机这些礼物,并不是父亲想要的。  Host
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年龄只是一个数字,谁说60岁就该在家中颐养天年?为了实现儿时的教师梦,他重新走进校园,获得教学资格,在61岁时终于梦想成真。他教给学生的不仅仅是知识,还有他丰富的人生经历和坚持梦想的精神。 Host: He’s just starting out as a middle school science teacher at the age of 61.  Hostess: He says it’s