
来源 :邮电企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:pf2858888
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今年上半年,除广东、天津等少数省市外,大多数地区邮电业务量增长势头减缓,增长幅度与去年同期相比显著下降,完成计划的进度不够理想,引起了广大干部、职工的关注。据初步调查分析,可以大致归纳如下。(一) 1至6月份,全国邮电业务总量比去年同期增长8.7%(按同口径统计天数比,下同),大大低于去年上半年比1984年同期增长22%的水平,也大大低于去年全年18.3%的增长率。全国30个省区市局中,只有5个局增长10%以上。各类主要业务中,除用户电报、市内电话、 In the first half of this year, in addition to a few provinces and cities such as Guangdong and Tianjin, the volume growth of postal and telecommunications services in most regions slowed down. The growth rate dropped significantly compared with the same period of last year. The progress of the completion of the plan was not satisfactory and attracted the attention of cadres and workers. According to preliminary investigation and analysis, can be summarized as follows. (I) From January to June, the total volume of postal and telecommunications services in the country increased by 8.7% over the same period of last year (as compared with the same number of days in statistics), much lower than the level of 22% in the first half of last year as compared with the same period of 1984 and much lower 18.3% growth rate for the whole of last year. Of the 30 provincial and municipal bureaus in the country, only five have increased by more than 10%. Various types of major business, in addition to user telegraph, local calls,
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为保证2000年我国工农业产值翻两番的宏伟目标,邮电部提出“邮电翻三番”的奋斗目标。但业务量翻番,关键在增强通信能力。邮 In order to ensure the magnificent goal of q